
????馬克?盧比奧參議員在回應(yīng)總統(tǒng)的國情咨文演講時,狂飲波蘭之春礦泉水(Poland Spring)的窘態(tài)現(xiàn)在幾乎已家喻戶曉。 ????如果你在公眾面前講話,你可以強調(diào)。 ????緊張和強光會讓人流汗、脫水,現(xiàn)在你要需要補充點H2O。 ????拖得越久,情況越糟, ????感覺會越恐慌,講話的效果也會大打折扣。 ????上星期二晚上,我通過Twitter轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)了佛羅里達州聯(lián)邦參議員馬克?盧比奧的發(fā)言情況。(“盧比奧明顯感到越來越口干……”) ????還是那句老話,“永遠不要讓人看到你流汗”。可是,共和黨確實讓“人”看到他們的寶貝汗流浹背。 ????實際上完全可以避免這種情況。面對公眾講話時,有三個簡單的技巧可以避免汗流浹背: ????1.調(diào)高空調(diào)溫度,練習(xí)適應(yīng)聚光燈。 ????2.把水放在順手的地方。盧比奧的水放置位置太低,迫使他距離鏡頭太近。我建議客戶放一瓶水在順手的桌子或講臺上。沒必要把它藏起來。 ????3.掐好時間。我曾遇到一位需要經(jīng)常喝水,中斷講話的高管,他經(jīng)驗非常豐富。實際計劃是在每個要點結(jié)束時喝水——在開始長篇大論前或之后。這樣,喝水迫使他停頓下來,強化重點。(財富中文網(wǎng)) ????本文作者瑪麗?希菲洛是一位高管公關(guān)導(dǎo)師。她的客戶包括公司和非營利組織的領(lǐng)導(dǎo),包括摩根士丹利、默克、美國運通、美國國際集團、國際救助貧困組織(CARE)和聯(lián)合國等。 |
????By now, most of us have seen Senator Marco Rubio's awkward snatch of Poland Spring during his State of the Union response. ????And if you have spoken in front of an audience, you can empathize. ????A combination of nerves and bright lights causes you to sweat, dehydrate, and need H2O NOW. ????The longer you wait, the worse it gets. ????And the more panic you feel, compromising your delivery. ????On Tuesday night, I Tweeted that you could see it coming with the U.S. Senator from Florida. ("Rubio's mouth was so obviously getting dry...") ????As for that old saying, "Never let 'em see you sweat," well, the GOP did "let 'em" with their favorite son. ????It didn't need to be that way. Three simple lessons to speak to a crowd, without sweating: ????1. Make sure you've got the AC on high and practice with the klieg lights. ????2. Place the water within reach. Rubio's H2O was too low and far away, forcing his desperate reach on camera. I advise clients to plant a bottle on a convenient table or on the podium. No need to hide it. ????3. Time it right. I work with a top executive and experienced speaker who struggles with his need for frequent water breaks. We actually plan his water breaks at the end of major points in his talks--before or after he delivers a great line. In this way, his water breaks force him to pause and ADD impact. ????Mary Civiello is an executive communications coach. She works with leaders at companies and not-for-profit organizations including Morgan Stanley (MS), Merck (MRK), American Express (AXP), AIG (AIG), CARE and the United Nations. |