????職務:高級勞動力規劃分析師和訴訟與賠償顧問 ????任職公司:聯合服務汽車協會 ????唐納德與塞西莉亞?巴特勒在德州科珀斯克里斯蒂的一次跑步比賽中相識。兩人都是勁頭十足的選手。唐納德是美國海軍的一名現役軍官,塞西莉亞則在美國聯合服務汽車協會(USAA)工作。2006年,海軍少校唐納德退役后便加入了預備役部隊,并在美國聯合服務汽車協會從事勞動力市場分析工作。 ????而在這家銀行工作五年之后,海軍通知他必須前往阿富汗服役。他說,上前線是一個巨大的未知數,但聯合服務汽車協會仍然保證會保留他的職位,直到他從前線歸來。 ????“我跟許多人都這么說,在前線服役期間,美國聯合服務汽車協會對我的支持甚至多于海軍?!碑敃r,他的上司們第一時間關切他上前線的事情。他出發之前,上司們問他是否需要時間與家人團聚,還幫他整理好了財產?!拔耶敃r的第一個念頭是:‘他們很清楚的知道在軍隊是什么情況。這一點讓我非常感動。我的角色過渡也隨之變得非常簡單?!?/p> ????唐納德離開期間,公司對塞西莉亞也提供了支持。聯合服務汽車協會為在前線服役的軍人配偶成立了一個支持團隊。塞西莉亞說:“如果我有任何擔憂,都可以與其他人討論?!?/p> ????一年后,唐納德從前線返回。當時,聯合服務汽車協會再次為他提供了便利。公司甚至為這對夫婦舉辦了一個“歡迎回家”的派對。 ????塞西莉亞說,到目前為止,聯合服務汽車協會讓她達到了一直渴望的生活質量。與唐納德相識多年以來,她一直保持著跑步的習慣。她曾參加過多次馬拉松比賽,包括著名的波士頓馬拉松。她說:“我在午飯時間也會擠出時間跑步。在聯合服務汽車協會為我們提供的好處中,這只是一個很小的例子。”(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 |
????Title: Senior Workforce Planning Analyst and Litigation and Claims Advisor ????Company: USAA ????Donald and Cecilia Butler met at a race in Corpus Christie, Texas. Both are avid runners. Don was an active-duty officer in the Navy and Cecilia worked for the USAA. So when Don left the Navy in 2006 as a lieutenant commander, he joined the reserves and took a job working for the USAA doing labor market analytics. ????Five years after he started working for the bank, the Navy informed him that he would have to be deployed to Afghanistan. Going into combat was a big unknown, he says, but USAA had assured him that his job would be waiting for him when he came home. ????"I say this to a lot of people, but the USAA was more supportive of my deployment than the Navy was." His managers spoke with him immediately, asked if he needed time off to spend time with his family before leaving to serve, and helped him square away his finances while he would be gone. "The first thing I thought to myself is, 'They get it, they understand what it's like to be in the military. That impressed me. And the transition was just as easy as it could be.'" ????The company also supported Cecilia while Don was gone. The USAA offers support groups for military spouses at home while their partners are deployed. "If there were any concerns that I had, I could discuss them," Cecelia says. ????When Don returned a year later, the USAA eased his transition. The company even threw a "welcome home" party for the couple. ????To this day, Cecilia says, the USAA helps her realize the quality of life she desires. She hasn't quit running in the years since she met Don. She has run several marathons, including the prestigious race in Boston. "I squeeze in my running on the lunch break," she says, "and that's just a small example of the things that USAA offers." |