????職務:高級項目經理——創新中心 ????任職公司:梅奧診所 ????加入梅奧診所(The Mayo Clinic)之前,佩里?艾達赫爾是一名患者的父親。他兒子吉克在七歲時被診斷出患有肝癌,醫生的預測非常可怕。艾達赫爾說:“當時,醫生告訴我們,他的生命只剩幾周時間,或許只有一兩個月。”他與妻子帶著吉克來到了位于明尼蘇達州羅切斯特的梅奧診所。 ????艾達赫爾說:“我對那里的護理真的無話可說。從沒有人想過放棄。”一組醫生對吉克進行了會診。最終,小兒科腫瘤學家和病理學家梳理出一條信息,最終讓他們得出結論,吉克所患癌癥的類型不同于他們之前的診斷。于是,他們改變了療程,而吉克的病情也漸漸好轉。艾達赫爾說:“現在已經過去14年。吉克已經21歲了,正在讀大三。他在高中是多個體育項目的全能選手。根本想不出他曾經的經歷。” ????吉克康復多年后,艾達赫爾聽說梅奧診所有一個IT職位空缺,便迫不及待地提交了申請。獲得聘用之后,他便可以利用自己身為一名患者父親的經歷。他說,兒子患病期間,“身為一名優秀的會計師,我妻子制作了各種電子表格。但我們還是很難及時掌握哪些療程的費用,另外還有哪些沒有支付。”于是,艾達赫爾開始將患者的訪問次數整合到醫療中心的支付系統當中。 ????梅奧診所認可了他的工作,并邀請他加入診所的創新中心。59歲的艾達赫爾目前是該中心的一名高級工程經理,負責開發程序,幫助老年人安度晚年,獨立生活更長時間。他說:“我欠這里太多太多。” |
????Title: Senior Project Manager - Center for Innovation ????Company: The Mayo Clinic ????Before Perry Erdahl worked at the Mayo Clinic, he was the father of a patient. His son Jake was diagnosed with liver cancer at seven years old, and the prognosis was dire. "There was a point in time where they told us he only had a few weeks to maybe a month or two to live," Erdahl says. He and his wife took Jake to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. ????"I just can't say enough about the care. Nobody ever gave up," says Erdahl. A team of doctors worked together to treat Jake. Ultimately, the pediatric oncologist and pathologist teased out a piece of information that led them to believe that Jake had a different kind of cancer than they originally thought. They changed the course of treatment, and Jake got better. "That was 14 years ago," says Erdahl. "He's 21 now. He's a junior in college. He was a multi-sport athlete in high school. You would never know what he went through." ????Some years after Jake's recovery, Erdahl heard about an IT job opportunity at the Mayo, and was eager to apply. Once he was hired, he was able to use his experience as the parent of a former patient. When his son was sick, he says, "My wife, who is a very competent accountant, had a whole set of spreadsheets. We had a hard time tracking which procedures she had paid for and which ones she hadn't." So Erdahl started incorporating a patient's visit number into the medical center's payment system. ????The Mayo recognized his work, and invited Erdahl to join the clinic's Center for Innovation. At 59, he's a senior project manager at the center, where he develops programs to help senior citizens age better and remain independent longer. He says, "I owe the organization an awful lot." |