????希望克服這些不利因素的女性員工可以運用以下這五種方式,為自己找到一位擔保人: ????1.建立師徒關系。“擔保常常發軔自深厚且有力的指導關系,”布里吉特?范?克拉林根說。“我發現,如果你向高層提供反饋意見,同時分享你的看法,就可以給予這層關系互惠互利的效果,進而提高了指導你的那個人為你作保的幾率。” ????2.鎖定高層偶像。“你無法選擇擔保人。選擇權總是在他們那一邊,”克萊爾?法利說。“但你可以通過以下這種方式提高機會:首先問一下自己,在這個組織中,誰的工作履歷讓你印象深刻?你想效仿誰的領導風格?然后嘗試著結識這個人,讓他或她知道你的成就和目標——不要耍太多‘政治’手腕,因為這樣做很快就會被人們識破。” ????3.抓住一切機會讓讓潛在的擔保人親眼目睹你的工作表現。范?克拉林根指出,密切留意與一位你試圖留下深刻印象的高管并肩工作的機會,這一點很有好處。她說:“如果他或她非常了解你的工作,親眼目睹了你的表現,那將顯著提升他或她為你作保的可能性。”她補充說,陪伴銷售團隊拜訪客戶的經歷促使她推舉了幾位業績卓著的女員工出任更高的職位——就在上周還剛剛推薦了一位。 ????4.大膽提出更能取得實效的建議。“許多組織都在尋找具有批判性思維的人,他們有可能成為變革的推動者。許多高級管理人員正是通過這種方式獲得了目前的職位,”克萊爾?法利說。“所以,你得提出大量的問題,掌握一門藝術,用一種讓別人不設防的方式挑戰現狀。”這樣做或許可以讓你獲得一位以同樣方式贏得晉升機會的擔保人的注意。4. 大膽提出更能取得實效的建議。“許多組織都在尋找具有批判性思維的人,他們有可能成為變革的推動者。許多高級管理人員正是通過這種方式獲得了目前的職位,”克萊爾?法利說。“所以,你得提出大量的問題,掌握一門藝術,用一種讓別人不設防的方式挑戰現狀。”這樣做或許可以讓你獲得一位以同樣方式贏得晉升機會的擔保人的注意。 ????5.單刀直入,直接詢問。范?克拉林根表示,如果你知道某位高管能夠幫助你獲得某項任命或晉升,最直接的方式有時是最有效的,但“詢問的次數不要太多。在你詢問之前,從戰略的角度認真思考一下,根據情勢的變化和閃現的不同機會,選擇某位能夠幫助你向若干個方向發展的高管。”擔保人的勢力范圍越寬廣,他或她幫助你獲得一個可以讓你盡展才華的職位的可能性就越大,這樣你就可以持續獲得晉升的機會。 ????如果你覺得尋找他人擔保似乎是在索求一種很大的恩惠,那就請你記住Catalyst公司的一項研究結論。該公司在研究了擔保行為對擔保人自身職業生涯的影響之后發現:培養和提升人才往往可以為這樣做的高管自身帶來更大的提升和加薪機會。 ????這項研究顯示,2008年到2010年之間,為下屬擔保的管理人員的平均薪酬要比不這樣做的同僚高出25,075美元。“能夠發現并培養人才的聲譽是高級管理人員很大的一筆財富,”Catalyst公司的克里斯蒂娜?席爾瓦指出。“擔保文化對大家都有利。” ????譯者:任文科 |
????For women who want to beat those odds, here are five ways to find a sponsor: ????1.Build on a mentoring relationship. "Sponsorships often arise from deep and strong mentoring connections," says Bridget Van Kralingen. "One thing I've found is that if you give feedback to higher-ups and share ideas, so that there are reciprocal benefits to the relationship, it's more likely to lead to that person sponsoring you." ????2.Identify higher-ups who inspire you. "You don't really choose a sponsor. They have to choose you," says Claire Farley. "But you can improve your chances by first asking yourself who it is in the organization whose track record impresses you, and whose leadership style you'd like to emulate. Then try to stand out and get to know that person. Make your achievements, and your goals, known to him or her -- without being too 'political' about it, because people see through that very quickly." ????3.Whenever possible, let a potential sponsor see you in action. It helps, Van Kralingen says, to keep an eye out for opportunities to work closely with a senior executive you'd like to impress. "You're more likely to attract that person as a sponsor if he or she is very directly familiar with your work and has seen your performance firsthand," she says. Accompanying sales teams when they call on clients, she adds, has led her to recommend several female stars for promotion -- including one just last week. ????4.Suggest improvements in the way things get done. "Many organizations are looking for critical thinkers who have the potential to be change agents. It's how plenty of senior executives got where they are," observes Claire Farley. "So ask a lot of questions, and learn the art of challenging the status quo in a way that doesn't make people defensive." It just might get you noticed by a sponsor who got his or her big break the same way. ????5.Ask. The most direct approach sometimes works, says Van Kralingen, if there's an assignment or promotion that you know a particular higher-up could help you get, but "don't ask too many times. And before you ask, think strategically about it, and choose someone who might be able to help you move in any of several directions, depending on how circumstances change and different opportunities arise." The broader your sponsor's sphere of influence, the more likely it is that he or she can guide you into a niche where you'll shine, so you can continue to move up. ????If seeking out sponsorship feels like asking a mighty big favor, keep in mind the findings of a Catalyst study that examined the impact on the sponsors' own careers: Developing and promoting talent usually leads to bigger promotions and raises for the executives who do it. ????Between 2008 and 2010, the research shows, managers who sponsored protégés earned an average of $25,075 more than their peers who didn't. "A reputation for being able to spot talent and help nurture it is an asset to senior managers," notes Christine Silva at Catalyst. "A culture of sponsorship is good for everybody." |