




機構:青年創業者理事會(Young Entrepreneur Council,YEC)


????據稱,自2010年YEC成立以來,其聯營公司,如在線社交力評定網站Klout、團購網站LivingSocial和大塊頭垃圾運輸隊(College Hunks Hauling Junk)等,創造的工作崗位已經達到20,000個。戈貝爾說:“我們需要在Y一代頭腦中樹立這樣一種觀念,即創業是一條可行的職業道路。與只比自己年長五歲、而且創業成功的前輩交流后,創業這條路就會變得更加真實、更觸手可及,也更可信。”


Scott Gerber and Ryan Paugh

Organization: Young Entrepreneur Council

????Scott Gerber, 28, admits that he doesn't know what it's like to have a "real" job. In fact, he wrote a book about it. He and business partner Ryan Paugh, also 28, think other Millennials should consider passing on so-called real work. The pair founded the Young Entrepreneur Council -- an invite-only organization of 500 entrepreneurs all under 40 -- to educate, mentor, and introduce Millennials to the startup world.

????YEC-affiliated companies like Klout, LivingSocial, and College Hunks Hauling Junk claim to have created 20,000 jobs since the organization was founded in 2010. "We need to establish that idea that entrepreneurship is a viable career path in the [Gen Y] psyche," argues Gerber. "When you're talking to someone who is only five years older than you, someone who has really done it, it seems a lot more attainable, relatable, and plausible."

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