????最后,無論做什么事,去什么地方,都要盡力幫助需要幫助的人。彎下腰,把需要幫助的人扶起來。簡而言之,用我們的行動讓世界變得更美好。 ????正直感、己所不欲,勿施于人、讓世界變得更美好。這三條基本信條記起來容易,但做起來難。 ????但是,你們有責任遵守并實踐這些信條。 ????畢業生們,勇敢地前進吧。 ????在你們成就卓越、不斷發展和服務于社會的同時,請記住赫爾曼?麥爾維爾以下這段話: ????人活著不能只為了自己 ????千萬條隱形的絲線讓我們的生命彼此相連 ????沿著這些千絲萬縷的聯系 ????我們的行為之“因”同時也作為“果”反作用于我們自身。 ????各位畢業生們,今天是你們在菲爾德斯頓文化倫理學院學習生涯的重點,但同時,今天也是各位全新人生的起點。 ????譯者:喬樹靜/汪皓 |
????Finally, the third fundamental is whatever you do, wherever you go, reach out and help those who need help. Reach down and pull somebody up. Simply put -- make the world a better place. ????Integrity, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, help make the world a better place. Three fundamentals of life--easy to remember, difficult to do. ????Yet this is your charge to keep, your calling to fulfill. ????Walk with courage. ????And as you excel, prosper and serve, take with you these words of Herman Melville: ????We cannot live for ourselves alone ????Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads ????And along these sympathetic fibers ????Our actions run as causes and return to us as results. ????Graduates, this day is both the sunset of your Fieldston career...and the sunrise of the rest of your lives. |