????這種關系通常沒有固定的模式可循,“被擔保人”也不總是領情。洛杉磯Corazonas Foods食品公司CEO拉蒙娜?卡佩羅表示,在職業生涯早起,她得到了雀巢公司(Nestlé)一位很有身份的高管的指導。當他得知卡佩羅被哈佛商學院(Harvard Business School)錄取的消息時,他建議她將上學的計劃推遲一年,并保證,如果她繼續留在公司,將可以接受更好的教育。卡佩羅聽從的這位高管的意見,在上世紀90年代中期,她成為雀巢公司副總經理,然后是詩尚草本(Celestial Seasonings)副總裁,肯德-杰克遜酒園(Kendall-Jackson)執行副總裁。其推薦人蒂姆?克魯爾成為雀巢美國公司的CEO。卡佩羅表示:“他是我的‘伯樂’,是他讓我找到了恰當的職位。” ????你是否具有“千里馬”的潛質? ????個人績效很重要。工作優秀是必要條件,人們在決定為你進行冒險之前,必須確定你忠誠、值得信賴和可靠。希瑟?福斯特-卡明斯認為,這些高管為你的職業發展押上了自己的信譽。她表示:“我們不會帶一頭驢子去參加賽馬比賽。沒有人會毫無顧忌地甘冒風險。” ????找出自己的閃光點。埋頭苦干不會引起別人的注意。福斯特-卡明斯建議,你所需要做的是,打出自己的名聲。比如,自愿接受更具挑戰性的任務,參加會議,成為業內的積極分子等。 ????順其自然。大部分關系都是自然形成的,如果你絞盡腦汁要求其他人成為自己的靠山,最終往往徒勞無功。人才創新中心總裁西爾維婭?安?休利特建議:不要把雞蛋放在一個籃子里。與多個人培養良好的關系,以避免擔保人離開公司所帶來的損失。 ????要自信。即便擔心自己沒有資格負責某個重大任務,或掛念家中嗷嗷待哺的孩子,也不要向擔保人流露出這種矛盾情緒。休利特建議:“表現出你對機會的渴望。”在處理反饋時,一定要經得住考驗,做好充分準備,按照靠山的建議行事。 ????知恩圖報。與師父不同,擔保人希望你報之以忠誠的支持。擔保者也將從“追隨者的能量”中獲益,作為自己職業發展的助力。畢竟,誰也無法單槍匹馬就能登上事業的頂峰。 ????譯者:阿龍/汪皓 |
????These relationships often can't be scripted. And protégés do not usually do the picking. Ramona Cappello, CEO of Corazonas Foods in Los Angeles, says her early career was shepherded by a well-placed executive at Nestlé. When he learned she'd been accepted to Harvard Business School, he told her to delay it for a year and promised that she would get a great education by staying with the company. She did so and rose to become assistant general manager at Nestlé in the mid-1990s, then VP at Celestial Seasonings, and an executive vice president at Kendall-Jackson. Her sponsor, Timm Crull, became CEO of Nestlé USA. "I was found," she says, "and he made sure I had all the right roles." ????Are you a potential protégé? ????Performance counts. Great work is a must, and before anyone can take a chance on you, they must see that you're loyal, trustworthy, and dependable. These executives are betting their own reputations on your career, says Heather Foust-Cummings, a senior director of research at Catalyst, a nonprofit dedicated to expanding women's career opportunities. "You don't take a donkey to the Kentucky Derby," she says. "No one will take the risk on you." ????Find your star power. Don't assume that putting your head down and doing your work will get you noticed. You need to become a known entity, says Foust-Cummings. Volunteer for bigger assignments, attend conferences, and become active in your industry. ????Don't force it. Most relationships evolve naturally and won't happen if you flat out ask someone to be your sponsor. Hedge your bets against your sponsor leaving the company by nurturing relationships with multiple people, says Sylvia Ann Hewlett, president of the Center for Talent Innovation. ????Be confident. If you're worried you're not qualified for that major assignment or concerned about your 2-year-old at home, do not share your honest ambivalence with a sponsor. "Show you're hungry for an opportunity," says Hewlett. When you get feedback, handle it with a thick skin and be prepared to act on advice given. ????Return the favor. Unlike a mentor, a sponsor will expect your loyal support in return. A sponsor benefits, too, from the "power of the posse" to build his or her own career. After all, no one gets to the top alone. |