???但在你開始邀請同事共赴午餐、晚餐和“找樂子”前,不妨先花點時間了解一下公司同事的交往現狀,看看他們是建立、加深友誼的模式。 ????“感覺你和某個人有聯系,會帶來不同。它是幸福之源,”《新領導人的百日行動計劃》(The New Leader's 100 Day Action Plan)一書的作者、顧問喬治?布萊特表示。不過,“如果你進了一家人們不吃午餐的公司,卻開始邀請人們共進午餐,那就是在自找麻煩。” ????例如,有家瑞士大銀行的一位經理轉到澳大利亞辦公室工作后,希望給同事留個好印象,于是邀請所有人出席一場晚上7-8點鐘的晚宴會議。結果遭到了整個團隊的拒絕,人們說:“我們5點就下班了。”阿克回憶說:“這位領導只能全面改變領導風格。” ????“在有些公司里,下班后請直接上司去喝一杯是件好事,”布萊特同意。“但在另外一些公司里,就不太適合。你請他們喝酒,會讓他們無法和家人團聚。還不如在早上請他們喝咖啡或中午一起吃午餐。” ????布萊特說,可以問問人們是如何互動的,了解一個公司的文化,但也要留意人們的回答是否準確。慢慢地,一位有決心的領導人最終可以改變企業文化,讓它整體變得更具社會支持力。 ????如果拿不準,從為同事提供專業支持做起總錯不了。阿克說:“一旦你開始邀請人們與你碰面,或者開始在工作中幫助他們,你就改變了交往模式。” ????身處男性主導行業中的女性尤其可能在工作中被孤立,常駐紐約的職業發展教練米歇爾?弗萊德曼表示:“感到被孤立的人……在參與度和生產率方面都表現不佳。” ????比如,有些母親就不愿在工作場合聊他們的孩子,擔心會被貼上標簽或看輕,難以與同事真正打成一片。 ????“工作場合的紐帶往往源于人與人之間的共同點。可以是一起努力的一個項目,或者共同處理的一宗案子或交易,”她說。“更深層次的紐帶是你感覺自己和這整個人都有關系;而不僅僅是他的職業領域。” ????譯者:老榆木 |
????But before you start inviting colleagues to lunch, dinner, and happy hour, take a moment to understand the importance of context. Look at how people in your organization create and deepen friendships. ????"Feeling like you're connected to someone else makes a difference, it's the root of happiness," says George Bradt, a consultant and author of The New Leader's 100 Day Action Plan. Still, "if you go into an organization and start inviting people to lunch in a place where people don't do lunch, you're in trouble." ????For instance, a manager at a large Swiss bank moved to the company'sAustraliaoffice and wanted to make a good impact by inviting everyone to a dinner meeting at 7 or 8 p.m. The team actually refused, saying, "We're done by 5." "That leader had to completely change his leadership style," Achor recalls. ????"In some organizations, inviting your direct reports out for drinks after the workday is a good thing," Bradt agrees. "In others it's an insult because you're making them drink and taking them away from their family. You have to take them out for coffee in the morning or lunch." ????You can learn about an organization's culture by asking questions about how people interact, but you must also observe whether the answers to those questions are accurate, he says. Over time, a determined leader can shift the culture to being more socially supportive overall. ????When in doubt, you can always begin by offering professional support to colleagues. "As soon as you start asking people to meet up with you or helping people with their work, you change the social script," Achor says. ????Women in male-dominated industries are particularly at risk of being socially isolated at work, notes Michelle Friedman, a professional development coach based in theNew York Cityarea. "The ones who feel isolated ... suffer in terms of engagement and productivity," Friedman says. ????Some mothers, for instance, resist talking about their kids at work for fear of being typecast or discounted, which keeps them from truly connecting with co-workers. ????"Workplace bonds generally form around things that people have in common. It can be working on a project together or if you're on a case or deal together," she says. "The deeper bonds I've seen are where you feel the bond is with the whole person; it's not just on the professional level." |