


Laura Vanderkam 2012年03月27日

????美國睡眠基金會(National Sleep Foundation)2007年一項關注女性睡眠習慣的調查顯示,有學齡子女并全職工作的母親們自稱周一至周五每晚睡眠時間不足6小時。但根據美國人時間利用調查(它的依據是時間記錄,而不是對某些典型夜晚的回憶),如果算上周末,這些女性每晚睡眠的時間平均在8小時左右(這意味著除非這些女性周末睡上13個小時,否則她們周一至周五每晚睡眠時間肯定都超過了6個小時)。

????企業組織事宜咨詢公司Work + Life Fit, Inc.的所有人凱利?威廉姆斯?尤斯特稱,這兩項調查結果的差異可以歸結為競爭性文化。“由于某種原因,想睡覺或在睡覺就跟足額休假一樣,似乎就代表人們并沒有百分之一百地投入到事業和家庭中。”



????According to the 2007 National Sleep Foundation poll, which focused on women's sleep habits, mothers who work full-time and have school aged children claim to spend less than six hours in bed per weeknight. But according to the American Time Use Survey, which relies on time logs rather than memories of typical nights, such women slept an average of around eight hours per night when you include weekends (which means that, unless women sleep 13 hours a night on weekends, they're sleeping more than six on weeknights too).

????You can chalk the disconnect up to a competitive culture, says Cali Williams Yost, owner of Work + Life Fit, Inc., which consults with companies on organizational issues. "Like taking all of your vacation, for some reason, wanting and getting sleep symbolizes a less than 100% commitment not only to your job but your family," she says.

????"Assuming there are some people who truly don't need sleep, I think everyone else who boasts about how little shut eye they require either has convinced themselves it doesn't matter … or they have untreated sleep disorders and they've reframed not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep as normal when, in fact, they could sleep if they got help." Then they might enjoy the rest of their 16 to 18 hours per day a bit more.

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