


Linda A. Hill,Kent Lineback 2012年03月01日





????注:本文中“機會缺口”和“業績缺口”兩個名詞源自邁克爾?塔什曼和查爾斯?奧萊利二世合著的《創新取勝:領導組織變革復興實用指南》(Winning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal)一書。



????This figure is an admission by companies that they are failing in their fundamental task of creating a corps of competent, capable managers. If 40% of their mid-level -- not first-level -- managers are mediocre at best, why don't they recognize that they face a corporate crisis and take dramatic steps to improve?

????We're not aware of any companies that have declared such a state of emergency, which seems to confirm something our experience and observations have also told us: even though companies may claim, implicitly or explicitly, that they set high standards for their managers, they in fact condone managerial practices and behavior that persistently fall short of those standards.

????This whole topic deserves more study and discussion, but for individual managers, it seems to convey one clear point: if you aspire to become a great manager, simply striving to meet your organization's actual, versus espoused, standards probably won't get you there. Being rated "meets expectations" or even better isn't necessarily a good measure of your skill or progress.

????To grow as a manager, you will need to define your own opportunity gap – identify what youcanbecome -- rather than accept the actual performance gap for managers in your firm. This is the first step in taking responsibility for your own development.

????Note: We adapted the terms "Opportunity Gap" and "Performance Gap" fromWinning Through Innovation: A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewalby Michael L. Tushman and Charles A. O'Reilly II.

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