8. 達特茅斯大學塔克商學院 ????得分:93.6 ????2010年排名:6 ????GMAT平均分:718 ????錄取率:18% ????平均基本工資:11萬美元 ????兩年制MBA學費估算:16.81萬美元 ????達特茅斯大學塔克商學院(Tuck)獨特的、充滿情感色彩的協作文化結合造就了學員們不同尋常的忠誠度,去年70%以上的校友為學校提供了贊助,這一比例超過世界上其他所有商學院。(與之形成鮮明對比的是,排名前20的商學院中,校友每年捐助的比例平均不足20%。) ????借助塔克商學院校友網的大力支持,今年該校學生畢業時獲得工作機會的比例達到92%——這一比例在經濟動蕩的背景下在最佳商學院中名列前茅。 ????塔克商學院院長保羅?戴諾斯并沒有竊天之功為己有,將這種非凡的校友凝聚力算到自己名下。他說:“不能虛構人們對塔克商學院的愛慕之情,互助文化與社交網絡并不是憑空而來的。它一直是我們商學院優良傳統的一部分。” ????MBA學生畢業后的就業比例:92% |
8.Tuck – Dartmouth ????Index: 93.6 ????2010 Rank: 6 ????Average GMAT: 718 ????Acceptance rate: 18% ????Median base salary: $110,000 ????Suggested two-year budget: $168,100 ????Tuck's unique, close-knit culture of affection and collaboration cultivates such unusual loyalty that more than 70% of alumni last year reached into their pockets to support the school, more than any other B-school in the world. (In contrast, annual alumni giving at the top 20 business schools average less than 20%). ????Tuck's highly supportive alumni network helped to get 92% of this year's class job offers by graduation -- tops among the best B-schools in a still turbulent economy. ????Dean Paul Danos takes little credit for the remarkable cohesion among alumni through the years. "You can't invent the love affair people have with Tuck," he says. "That whole cultural, social network of helping each other you can't get easily, and it's always been a part of the school's tradition." ????Percentage of MBAs with job offers at graduation: 92% |