4. 賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院 ????得分:98.0 ????2010年排名:4 ????GMAT平均分:720 ????錄取率:19% ????平均基本工資:12萬美元 ????兩年制MBA學費估算:17.84萬美元 ????賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院(Wharton - Univ. of Pennsylvania)新開設的MBA課程為MBA畢業生提供終身教育機會,并豐富他們的領導力與溝通經驗。該課程的重點仍是一般管理學的密集式核心課程,以及18門深度主修課程和將近200門廣泛的選修課程。 ????沃頓商學院為期一個月的學期前課程包括為期兩天的校外活動,學生最初時要學習如何成為團隊的領袖。第一年重點是密集式核心課程學習,以六人為一個小組共同完成。 ????在第一年和第二年的暑假期間,學生們忙于在世界各地的實習、主要企業參訪和志愿者項目。返校后的第二年課程將以個人興趣為出發點,課程設計更為靈活。 ????MBA學生畢業后的就業比例:88% |
4.Wharton - Univ. of Pennsylvania ????Index: 98.0 ????2010 Rank: 4 ????Average GMAT: 720 ????Acceptance rate: 19% ????Median base salary: $120,000 ????Suggested two-year budget: $178,400 ????A new MBA curriculum now delivers life-long education to MBA graduates, along with more leadership and communication experiences. The basic program is still focused around an intensive core curriculum in general management, plus the depth of 18 majors and the breadth of nearly 200 electives. ????The school's month long pre-term session includes a two-day off-campus retreat where students begin the process of learning to lead in a team environment. The first year's focus is an intensive core curriculum that students complete together in learning teams of six. ????During the summer months between the first and second years, students are busy with internships, career treks, and volunteer projects around the world. When they return, the second year curriculum offers flexibility to follow personal interests. ????Percentage of MBAs with job offers at graduation: 88% |