2. 斯坦福大學商學院 ????得分:98 ????2010年排名:2 ????GMAT平均分:730 ????錄取率:12% ????平均基本工資:12.5萬美元 ????兩年制MBA學費估算:17.4362萬美元 ????斯坦福大學商學院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)過去一年可謂順風順水。進駐由九座世界一流建筑構成的新校園,該新建校園耗資高達3.5億美元;不僅如此,該校剛剛還收到1.5億美元的捐贈,用來幫助創建新的機構,以應對世界貧困問題。這也是該校歷史上迄今為止最大的一筆校友捐贈。 ????但是,斯坦福大學商學院的主要吸引力在于,它位于世界高科技中心硅谷的中心地帶。許多MBA學生畢業后就職于硅谷的初創公司或科技巨頭,如蘋果公司(Apple)、谷歌公司(Google)、惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)和英特爾公司(Intel),或白手起家,創建自己的公司。 ????斯坦福大學商學院一年級的《管理基礎》課程根據學生的技能、經驗和職業規劃量體裁衣,為學生提供每個必修學科的菜單式選擇方案。此外,學生還可選擇與斯坦福大學其他研究生課程合并后的課程——特別是聯合學位課程。 ????MBA學生畢業后的就業比例:84% |
2. Stanford ????Index: 98.8 ????2010 Rank: 2 ????Average GMAT: 730 ????Acceptance rate: 12% ????Median base salary: $125,000 ????Suggested two-year budget: $174,362 ????Stanford Graduate School of Business has been on a roll this past year. The school moved into a new, classy home, an ambitious $350 million campus composed of nine world-class buildings. And the school just received $150 million from an alum -- its largest gift ever -- to help establish a new institute whose goal is to combat poverty around the world. ????But the school's main attraction is its location in the midst of Silicon Valley, the world's high tech center. Many graduates end up working for startups and the Valley's giants, from Apple and Google, to Hewlett-Packard and Intel, or starting their own companies from scratch. ????Stanford's first-year Management Foundation courses offer students a menu of choices in each required discipline, tailored to their skills, experience, and career goals. Stanford students also have the option to incorporate courses -- and especially joint degrees -- from other graduate programs at the university. ????Percentage of MBAs with job offers at graduation: 84% |