????通過從事法律援助工作,希望有朝一日能拿到商務律師的高薪,這樣的前景無疑是誘人的,特別是對于那些初出茅廬的律師們而言,因為這些秉持懲惡揚善信念進入法學院的年輕人們很快就會面臨高額助學貸款的沉重壓力。但如今,行業經濟狀況的變化使得法律援助時間再也不能像前些年那樣隨便給了。 ????去年,免費法律援助時間的比例較2009年顯著下降。然而與此同時,經濟不景氣導致越來越多的人陷入貧困,涉及企業破產、兒童監護權、銀行沒收房產和家庭暴力等問題的案件數量大增。預算赤字迫使政府縮減了為經濟困難人群提供免費或折價法律服務的資金。 ????隨著免費法律援助時間減少,美國律師協會(American Bar Association)和其他團體正在探所新的方式招募律師志愿者來幫助有需要的人們處理復雜的法律事務。由于美國憲法只確保刑事案被告有律師代表出庭,民事訴訟案的原被告沒有權利享受(免費)律師服務。 ????對于數量遠遠超出刑事案件的民事案件,聯邦政府會為經濟困難人群提供部分法律援助資金,律師行業每年也會為有需要的人免費提供數百萬小時的法律服務。美國律師協會估計有6,300萬低收入人群(其中2,200萬是兒童)符合獲得民事法律援助的條件。 ????由于法律援助時間和相關資金縮減,在美國的法庭上已經可以感受到這種危機,美國貧困率的上升更是加劇了這一現象。為此,上個月美國律師協會舉辦了首個全美法律援助峰會(National Pro Bono Summit),探索提高律師參與度的新方式。 ????美國總檢察長艾瑞克?霍爾德在峰會上發言,敦促法律界人士探索創新方式——包括招募退休律師和法律專業學生等——填補一些人指出的“基礎法律服務和利用司法體系”之間存在的鴻溝。 頂級律師事務所法律援助時間縮水 ????根據美國律師執業要求,律師通常需要承諾每年貢獻20-50個小時的免費服務。律師可以與大量的地方團體或州級團體以及律師協會簽約提供服務,但只有七個州會跟蹤實際的參與情況,不參與的律師也不會受到懲罰。 |
????The promise of pro bono work with a corporate law salary is alluring, especially for budding lawyers who head to law school in the hope of righting wrongs but soon confront the reality of massive student loans. But the industry's changing economics are making it tougher to give away lawyers' hours as freely as in previous years. ????Last year, the percentage of free legal hours slid noticeably compared to 2009. The decline comes as the perilous economy pushes a greater number of people into poverty, which drives up bankruptcy, child custody, foreclosure and domestic violence cases, among others. At the same time, budget deficits are leading to cutbacks in government funding of no or low-cost legal services for those with limited means. ????As free legal hours fall, the American Bar Association and other groups are trying to come up with new ways to enlist lawyers to assist in navigating the court system. Those involved in civil cases do not have a right to a lawyer becuase the Constitution guarantees legal representation only to those who are accused criminally. ????In civil cases, which are far more numerous than criminal proceedings, the federal government funds some legal aid for the needy, and lawyers traditionally donate millions of unpaid hours every year to help. The ABA estimates that 63 million low-income people (of which 22 million are children) are qualified for civil representation. ????The increase in the American poverty rate has exacerbated a crisis that's already being felt in the courts due to funding cutbacks and diminishing pro bono legal aid. In response, the ABA held its first National Pro Bono Summit last month to explore new ways to ramp up lawyer participation. ????U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, speaking at the summit, urged those in the legal profession to come up with novel ways -- including enlisting retired lawyers and law students, among others -- to plug what some are calling a chasm in basic legal services and access to the justice system. Donated legal hours take a hit at Big Law ????Lawyers typically pledge to devote between 20 and 50 hours of free work annually as part of state bar licensing. They can sign up with a number of different local or state groups or bar associations to offer their services, but only seven states track participation, and lawyers who opt out are not penalized. |