聯邦快遞 ????下次,如果有一位聯邦快遞(FedEx Express)員工微笑著把包裹送交到你手中(如果你住在中東或者歐洲),別忘了上網填一份客戶服務表格,你有可能幫這名員工在年度快遞員評比大賽中勝出。快遞員由客戶根據其在禮貌程度、遞交過程和樂于助人這三方面的表現進行評分。2010年公司收到了7,659份提名。顧客能在各地區聯邦快遞分公司的海報上看到本地區獲獎員工的燦爛笑臉。 ????這家快遞服務供應商還擁有在線招聘工具“職業中心”,員工可以借助這一工具在公司內部尋找新的工作機會,并對自己的職業生涯進行規劃。 |
FedEx Express ????Next time a FedEx courier smiles as he/she hands you a package (if you live in the Middle East or Europe), be sure to go online and fill out a customer service form -- you could help that employee win the Courier of the Year competition. Couriers are rated by customers based on politeness, presentation, and helpfulness. In 2010, The company received 7,659 nominations -- and the winners' faces beam on posters in FedEx Express offices across the region. ????The delivery service provider also has an online recruitment tool, Career Hub, which allows employees to track new job opportunities within the company and plan their careers. |