思科系統公司 ????每隔一個月,思科公司(Cisco)首席執行官約翰?錢伯斯都會邀請兩個月內過生日的員工,參加一場由他親自主持的非正式問答會,員工能在會上無拘無束地交流。不在圣何塞總部工作的員工可以通過思科網真(TelePresence)視頻會議系統和電視直播參與聊天。 ????公司還提供臨時工作分擔和辦公室育兒室等福利待遇。法國分公司還提供入職前培訓。新員工們能夠通過互動式網站了解思科的使命和文化,有助于他們順利展開第一天的工作。這種培訓體現了公司引以為豪的管理品質。 |
Cisco ????Every other month, Cisco CEO John Chambers invites employees whose birthdays fall within the designated two-month period to an informal Q&A with the head honcho himself. Those not located in its sunny San Jose headquarters can join the chat via Cisco TelePresence locations and TV broadcasts. ????The company also offers job sharing, onsite childcare and, in France, pre-first day training. Through an interactive website, new employees learn all about Cisco's mission and its culture, allowing for a smooth transition on the first day. This type of training is representative of the management chops the company boasts. |