英特爾公司 ????一名英特爾(Intel)員工表示,“管理層能夠傾聽員工的心聲,態度非常開放和親民。”看看公司的“越級1對1”計劃,你會發現他所言不虛。高級經理會與一級或更多級以下的下屬會面,了解中層和基層經理的業績表現。 ????在印度,公司還開展了“思帕詩”計劃。(思帕詩:梵語“接觸”之意。)該計劃由員工自己組織、籌劃并舉辦所有的思帕詩活動,主要關注的是無壓力職場環境,以及工作和生活的平衡。這名員工表示,“(在這里)人們彼此關心。” ????英特爾高管馬宏升兩年前罹患中風。他從同事那里獲得了廣泛的支持,現在他不僅戰勝了病魔,并有望在未來接任公司首席執行官的職位。 |
Intel ????"Management listens to employees and is very open and approachable," says an Intel employee. And, looking at the company's "Skip-Level 1:1s" initiative, it seems he's right. Senior managers meet with employees one or more levels down, learning about the middle and front-line managers' performances. ????In India, the company has the "Sparsh" program. ("Sparsh" is the Sanskrit word for "touch.") Run by employees, the program's teams design and throw all Sparsh events, which focus on a stress-free workplace and the work/life balance. "People care about each other [here]," the employee says. ????Sean Maloney, a senior Intel executive, suffered from a stroke two years ago. He received extensive support from his colleagues. Not only has he recovered, but he's back in the running to one day become CEO of the company. |