????高性能存儲陣列制造商Scale Computing首席執行官杰夫?雷迪近日剛剛結束了一輪面試。該公司招聘職位的職責之一是組織召開美國印第安納波利斯市全體制造商大會。其中一位應聘者的簡歷內容與眾不同,上面記述了她連續數年為當地一家慈善機構規劃年度募款活動的經歷。 ????“對我來說,她的這份經歷簡直棒極了。她一直堅持了4到5年;這證明她真的喜歡這項工作,不然她不會不計報酬的干了這么久,”雷迪說。 ????她的義工經歷之所以能夠脫穎而出,是因為她在簡歷中描述了自己的活動策劃經歷,以及與會者人數,很明確地說明這份工作的責任重大。“我只會拿出四五秒的時間,對簡歷一掃而過。因此,求職者必須利用這個機會吸引我的注意力,”雷迪說?!熬退暮啔v而言,就像是在說:我是這個大型慈善活動的主要策劃者?!?/p> ????像雷迪一樣,越來越多的企業老板開始關注求職者在公益事業上投入的精力。因為他們注意到,近來經濟的不景氣致使許多有才干的員工也卷入了失業大潮,因而把更多精力投入到了公益活動。商務社交網站LinkedIn近日的一項調查發現,目前有41%的招聘經理會將志愿者經歷與從業經驗同等看待。 ????那么,什么樣的經歷可以寫入簡歷,怎樣才能誠實地展示自己最好的一面呢?對此,很多求職者憂心忡忡。LinkedIn所調查的專業人才中,具備義工經歷的人數比例達89%,但只有其中的45%將這些經歷寫進了簡歷。 ????“人們不確定雇主是否會對義工服務和有償工作一視同仁,”再入職規劃公司iRelaunch.com聯合創始人卡羅?費舍曼?科恩說。“不過雇主們卻表示,如果求職者的義工經歷確實與他們的職業目標相關,就應該把它寫入簡歷。” ????例如,一位社會醫療工作者因為照顧孩子而選擇離職。后來她憑借救濟院志愿者服務的經歷成功獲得另一家救濟院提供的一份有償工作——志愿者經理。她希望這份工作最終能夠助她走上社會醫療工作者的崗位??贫髦赋觯骸八壳暗墓ぷ鳝h境讓她每天都能接觸到大量的社會醫療工作者,他們會告訴她哪里是最好的工作場所以及哪里正在招聘?!?/p> ????撰寫簡歷時,可以單獨列出“義工經歷”欄,列出相關義工經歷;或將之納入有償工作一欄,而大標題就可以簡單地命名為“履歷”?!皟热莸木帉憫撆c簡歷中其他部分一樣,一定要使用主動式動詞,具體說明工作成績,并進行量化表述?!?/p> ????有時,也可以將所在領域之外的經歷寫入簡歷,以展示自己的工作態度與性格。大衛?勃特勒羅現任按揭經紀公司BTS Lending的總裁,但他的履歷中卻包括自己在(Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership,HOBY)世界青少年精英峰會長期從事志愿者的工作經歷,因為這是他一直熱愛的事業。 ????勃特勒羅說:“我希望我的老板了解我正在做的事情。這樣當我提起往事的時候,他們就不會表現出一臉的驚訝,而那是我所不愿看到的。”據悉,勃特勒羅每年在HOBY世界青少年精英峰會做義工的時間累積起來至少有150個小時?!拔蚁M苷故境鑫业娜嫘浴送?,我們的工作關系也因此變得更加融洽。” ????而且,在知名機構做志愿者的經歷直接就能證明,求職者完全具備應對挑戰性目標的能力。謝勒健身與自行車公司(Scheller's Fitness & Cycling)的合伙人馬蒂?謝勒對這方面很感興趣。該公司位于美國肯塔基州的路易斯維爾市。凡是達到雄鷹童子軍(Eagle Scout)級別的求職者,他都會通知他們前來面試。 ????“我一向喜歡跟他們交流,盡管我最后不一定會錄用他們,”謝勒坦言?!盀榱双@得那種榮譽,這些年輕人會有多么大的付出……這種經歷最能衡量一個人的品性?!?/p> ????雖然如此,但求職者千萬不要得意忘形,把自己做過的每一件好人好事都寫進簡歷。因為這樣瑣碎的細目清單會掩蓋一個人的真實成績;而且,當招聘者據此提問時,萬一不能深入地回答,反而會使自己難堪。 ????“不要單純為了證明自己做過志愿者工作就而濫竽充數,”米利亞姆?薩爾皮特建議道?!澳切┮荒曛蛔鲆粌纱蔚氖虑?,說出來也沒有什么意義?!泵桌麃喣?薩爾皮特目前從事求職指導工作,而且是《職場社交制勝秘笈》(Social Networking for Career Success)一書的作者。 ????還有一部分人認為,那些涉及敏感領域的志愿經歷最好不要提及,比如宗教信仰,政治以及性取向等。 ????科恩表示一些全職媽媽不愿在簡歷中提及在家長教師協會(Parent Teacher Association)的相關經歷,擔心會產生負面影響?!坝袝r候,這樣的經歷被視為是一種恥辱,因為它通常會使人認為這位媽媽孤陋寡聞,土里土氣?!?/p> ????但如果求職者在家庭教師協會擔任主席一職,或肩負重大的責任,這樣的成就具有重要的意義,避而不談就相當可惜。 ????此外,如果志愿者服務透露了某些對求職者本人或家庭生活具有重要意義的信息——比如子女狀況、性取向,或者宗教信仰——但雇主卻因此而對你產生歧視,你還會為這樣的人工作嗎? ????“這些經歷使一個人的人生變得更加豐富多彩,”肖恩?格雷厄姆說?!凹偃绲玫揭环莨ぷ鞯拇鷥r是隱藏這些東西,那這份工作肯定不是你想要的?!毙ざ?格雷厄姆現任小企業咨詢顧問,且著有《追求心儀的職業》(Courting Your Career)一書。 ????譯者:李淑玉/汪皓 |
????Scale Computing chief executive Jeff Ready recently was interviewing job candidates for a position whose duties included coordinating all-hands meetings at the Indianapolis-based manufacturer. One prospective employee's resume included her experience planning an annual fundraiser for a local charity, several years in a row. ????"To me, that experience was awesome. She had done it for four to five years; she obviously liked doing it, or she wouldn't have done it for free," says Ready. ????The volunteer work stood out because her resume described the event planning experience and how many attendees were involved, making it clear that it was a substantial amount of responsibility. "You've got that four or five-second opportunity to say something that's going to grab my attention," Ready says. "In that case it was that I'm the lead event planner for the big charity event." ????Increasingly, corporate bosses like Ready are taking note of job candidates' volunteer efforts. They recognize that in the recent recession, talented employees may have had stretches of unemployment that they filled with unpaid work. A recent LinkedIn (LNKD) survey found that 41% of hiring managers consider volunteer experience equally valuable as paid work. ????But workers still feel nervous about what experience to include and how to be honest while also presenting in the best light. LinkedIn found that 89% of professionals surveyed had volunteer experience, but only 45% included it on their resume. ????"People are wondering whether it's considered as legitimate as paid work experience," says Carol Fishman Cohen, co-founder of career reentry programming company iRelaunch.com. "What we're hearing on the employer side is that if the volunteer experience is relevant to your career goal, include it." ????For instance, a medical social worker who took a career break to care for her children parlayed her volunteer work at a hospice into a paid position at another hospice, as a volunteer manager. She hopes that job will lead to work as a medical social worker. "She's in an environment where medical social workers are walking in every day telling her where are the best places to work and who's hiring," Cohen notes. ????When including relevant unpaid work on your resume, you can either create a separate section called "volunteer experience" or lump it in with your paid jobs under a heading simply titled "experience." Be sure to use active verbs, be specific and quantify your accomplishments -- just as you do with anything else on your resume. ????Sometimes, experience outside your field can be included to demonstrate commitment and character. David Bertorello, president of mortgage brokerage BTS Lending, puts on his resume his long-time volunteer work for Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership, because it's a cause that's close to his heart. ????"I want my employers to know I have things I'm involved with. I don't want it to come up as a surprise that I have this commitment," says Bertorello, who devotes at least 150 hours a year to HOBY. "Hopefully it's showing them that I'm well-rounded…. It also breaks the ice in work relationships." ????Some volunteer experience at well-known organizations can instantly signal your ability to follow through on a challenging goal. Whenever Marty Scheller, partner of Scheller's Fitness & Cycling, sees that a job candidate achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, he calls that person in for an interview at the Louisville, Ky., retailer. ????"I always want to talk to them. I don't always hire them," Scheller says. "To get that particular honor, it takes a young person who's driven.... It's usually a pretty good barometer for character…." ????Don't get carried away and start loading your resume with every single good deed. You don't want a laundry list that hides your true accomplishments -- or to end up embarrassed if the interviewer asks about something and you can't speak about it in-depth. ????"You don't want to just put something to say you've done volunteer work," advises Miriam Salpeter, a job search coach and author of Social Networking for Career Success. "Anything that was a one-time thing, or twice a year, it may not be significant." ????Some argue that job applicants should think twice about including volunteer experience related to the often-touchy subjects of religion, politics, and sexual orientation. ????Cohen says that some stay-at-home mothers worry about including experience at the Parent Teacher Association. "Sometimes there's a stigma associated with that because it screams suburban mom." ????On the other hand, if you were PTA president or had substantial responsibilities within the organization, your accomplishments may be so significant that you wouldn't want to ignore them. ????Moreover, if your volunteer work demonstrates something important about you and your life -- whether it's your children, sexual orientation, or religion -- would you want to work for an employer that would discriminate against you because of it? ????"All those things help paint a better picture of you as an individual," says Shawn Graham, small business consultant and author of Courting Your Career . "You wouldn't want to work for an organization where you'd have to hide it." |