通向權利的第二條成功之路:法學院???? ????盡管今年上榜的50名女強人中大部分人都與MBA結緣,但并非所有人都選擇了這條道路。事實證明,攻讀法學院同樣可以功成名就。以下為本年度女強人中法學院出身的上榜女性: ??? ·美國Wellpoint健康保險公司總裁兼CEO安吉拉?布萊利,畢業于新加坡管理大學(Singapore Management University)法學院,她今年排名第5位; ??? ·甲骨文股份有限公司(Oracle)總裁薩弗拉?卡茲,畢業于賓尼法尼亞大學法學院(University of Pennsylvania Law School),排名第11位; ??? ·富達投資集團個人投資部門總裁凱瑟琳?墨菲,畢業于康涅狄格大學法學院(University of Connecticut Law School),排名第32位。 |
Alternative paths to power: Law school???? ????While the MBA may account for the bulk of this year's power 50, not all of these highly accomplished women opted for B-school. The following members of this year's list took the law route instead: ??? ? Angela Braly, Wellpoint, SMU Law School: No. 5 ??? ? Safra Catz, Oracle, University of Pennsylvania Law School: No. 11 ??? ? Kathleen Murphy, Fidelity Investments, University of Connecticut Law School: No. 32 |