


Nina Easton 2011年08月17日

????“未來,我們最強勁的增長預期將來自海外市場——而且,我說這話代表的還是美國中西部的一家農業公司,”藍多湖公司(Land O'Lakes)總裁兼CEO克里斯?波利西斯基說道。這家公司的名字讓人聯想起著名畫家諾曼?洛克威爾筆下的奶牛和奶油攪拌器,而不是馬拉維的鄉村集市(其實后者才是他心里一直惦記的地方)。

????在近期參加美國全球領導力聯盟(Global Leadership Coalition)會議時,波利西斯基表達了上述觀點。最近,這一觀點引起了越來越多的美國CEO們的反響。他的話也直指一個顯而易見的事實,只不過華盛頓那些目光短淺的政治領袖們一直視而不見罷了:那就是美國公司不再把本土消費者視為業務增長的催化劑,轉而押寶于海外的新興市場。


????一直以來,大手大腳的美國消費者都是全球經濟的推動者,也是經濟繁榮(當然也包括經濟蕭條)背后的發動機。但從現在起很長一段時間內,美國人得扎緊自己的錢袋子了。蓋洛普公司(Gallup)報告稱,美國人均開支遠遠低于2008年水平,這將成為“新的常態”。2011年7月的一份哈里斯民意調查(Harris Poll)顯示,越來越多的人開始縮減開支,項目涉及從電子產品到理發等各方面。美國的個人儲蓄率也出現上升。由于房貸的首付比例恢復到20%,養房子也日益困難,更不用說用信用卡分期購買游艇和平板電視了。

????企劃師們越來越清楚地意識到,他們的潛在客戶95%將來自美國境外,并且都來自發展迅猛的發展中國家——比如亞洲和拉丁美洲【世界銀行(the World Bank)預測,這兩個地區今年的經濟增長率將達到4.5%】,以及非洲(該地區的總日常開支已經超過了印度)。

????開發這些市場可以幫助美國創造必要的工作崗位。為了讓美國人涉足這些市場,美國必須簽訂三個相關的貿易協定,但這個問題至今也沒有引起國會的重視——這在很大程度上是因為工會從中作梗。雖然白宮口頭上高呼要擴大出口,但俄亥俄州共和黨參議員、前美國貿易代表羅布? 波特曼的話或許直接指明了問題的要害。他引用世界銀行的統計數據,向《財富》雜志(Fortune)闡明了自己的觀點:“說起出口在GDP中的比例,我們與埃塞俄比亞持平,遠遠低于其他與我們存在貿易關系的發達國家,以及中國和韓國,而和那些我們希望通過韓美自由貿易協定擴大貿易的國家相比,我們也處于下風。”


????“Our best future growth prospects are overseas -- and I say this as an agriculture company based in the Midwest." So says Chris Policinski, president and CEO of Land O'Lakes, a name that conjures up Norman Rockwell images of milk cows and butter churns, not village markets in Malawi (which is what he has in mind).

????Policinski's declaration, made at a recent meeting of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, echoes what we are hearing from growing numbers of American CEOs these days -- and goes to the heart of a truism that has largely escaped the attention of Washington's myopic political leadership: U.S. companies are giving up on the American consumer as a catalyst for growth, preferring instead to bet on emerging markets overseas.

????In other words, one key for U.S. job growth lays in selling more of our stuff to a non-American middle class.

????The profligate American buyer, long the driver of the global economy and the engine behind booms (and busts), is taking a big break from spending. Gallup reports a "new normal" of everyday spending far below 2008 levels. A July 2011 Harris Poll shows more and more people skimping on everything from electronic goodies to haircuts. Personal savings rates are up. And with down payments on mortgages back at 20% levels, it's hard to afford a home, let alone use it as a credit card to buy boats and flat screen TVs.

????Business strategists increasingly recognize that not only are 95% of their potential consumers living outside U.S. borders, they are living in high-growth developing countries -- places like Asia and Latin America (where the World Bank forecasts 4.5% economic growth this year) and Africa (where total household spending already exceeds that of India).

????Tapping into those markets will help produce needed jobs. But the three trade agreements designed to put an American toe in those kinds of waters continue to languish in Congress -- largely because of spurious union demands. And while the White House gives lip service to expanding exports, it's instructive to listen to Ohio Republican Senator, and former U.S. Trade Representative, Rob Portman, who uses World Bank statistics to offer this observation to Fortune: "We are tied with Ethiopia in terms of our exports as a percentage of GDP, well below any of the other developed countries we trade with and well below China and Korea and countries we hope to trade with more through the Korean trade agreement."

????Certainly part of that is history and geography: America's own massive consumer market, and lack of regional integration (like Europe). But even countries like Canada rank far higher in exports as a percentage of the economy.

????That leaves a lot of potential business on the table. "There are places where American companies can be very, very competitive," says Robert Zoellick, former U.S. trade ambassador and now president of the World Bank. "I can't go anywhere without [local] people asking how to get private capital into infrastructure projects" -- like health care systems. Germany's small and medium sized engineering firms are adept at tapping those markets, he notes as an example.

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