EXAMPLE: As a young man my shy brother was a wallflower who never asked girls to dance with him at parties.
單詞 | wallflower |
中文釋義 |
1.不善交際者(俚語) 2.害羞的人(俚語) |
英文釋義 |
1. (noun, SLANG) A person who does not participate at a dance party or social event, due to shyness or unpopularity. 2. (noun, SLANG) A person who does not show initiative; a very shy person. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: 1.?As a young man my shy brother was a wallflower who never asked girls to dance with him at parties. 作為年輕人,我的害羞的弟弟是個不善交際的人,在聚會上從不邀請女孩和他跳舞。 2.The new clerk is a wallflower who is afraid to talk with customers, so I don’t think he will remain at his job too long. 這位新員工不主動,害怕與顧客交談,我覺得,這份工作他不會干很久。? |
短語 | vim and vigor |
中文釋義 |
充滿活力(非正式) |
英文釋義 |
(INFORMAL) Intense, enthusiastic energy and health. |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: My grandfather amazes me because he’s over ninety years old and he’s still full of vim and vigor. 我的祖父讓我吃驚,因為他年逾90,仍然充滿活力。 |