EXAMPLE: The old gentleman did not remember me at first, but I jogged his memory by mentioning that I had brought a rare and expensive gift to his birthday party last year.
單詞? |
rookie |
中文釋義 |
新手(名詞) |
英文釋義 |
(noun) An inexperienced person; anyone who is new at doing something such as a job. |
例句? |
EXAMPLE: When I first joined our company I was a rookie just out of school but my coworkers were patient with my many questions and frequent mistakes.
短語? |
to jog someone's memory |
中文釋義 |
喚起某人的記憶 |
英文釋義 |
To cause someone to remember something previously forgotten, usually by suggesting related ideas, names, or dates. |
例句? |
EXAMPLE: The old gentleman did not remember me at first, but I jogged his memory by mentioning that I had brought a rare and expensive gift to his birthday party last year.
? |