underscore; to scrounge for
??? 今日單詞:
單詞 | 中文釋義 | 英文釋義 | 例句 |
underscore | 1. 強調(動詞) 2. 在……底下劃線(動詞) |
1. (verb) To emphasize
2. (verb) To make a line under a portion of text in order to stress the importance of that particular portion |
EXAMPLE: The boss told her employees she wanted to underscore the importance of arriving at work on time every day. 這位老板對員工說,她想強調每天按時上班的重要 。 EXAMPLE: In the company's employee manual a thick black line is used to underscore the most important rules. |
短語 | 中文釋義 | 英文釋義 | 例句 |
to scrounge for | 搜尋(不用花錢的東西) | To search for or collect something without paying for it (as animals search for food in the forest) | EXAMPLE: When he started his company, the young entrepreneur used to scrounge for office furniture such as old desks and chairs, from small businesses owned by his relatives and friends. 這位年青創業者創辦公司的時候,曾從親戚朋友開的小商小鋪那里搜尋來舊桌子、舊椅子之類的辦公家具。 |