downgrade; "too rich for my blood"
單詞 | downgrade |
中文釋義 |
降低(動詞) |
英文釋義 |
(verb) To reduce something in quality, value or intensity |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: The stock market analyst decided to downgrade his assessment of the company because of its poor earnings recently. 由于這家公司近來盈利不佳,分析師決定降低對它的評級。
短語 | "too rich for my blood" |
中文釋義 |
“太貴了” |
英文釋義 |
Common expression meaning "too expensive for me" (NOTE: used in reference to extravagant luxuries) |
例句 |
EXAMPLE: I enjoyed looking at the diamond broaches Italian suits in the fashionable jewelrymen's clothing store, but I left the place thinking that such things are too rich for my blood. 我喜歡欣賞這家珠寶時裝店里帶鉆石胸什的意大利西裝,但我覺得這類東西實在太貴,便離開了那里。 |