科克斯的離職對于Facebook的影響尤為重大,他曾經是公司招聘的首批15名工程人員之一。隨著公司的發展壯大,科克斯的職位也是水漲船高,職責涉及Facebook包括News Feed在內的各類產品,以及公司的策略。Facebook的一份監管報備文件顯示,科克斯在3月11日發布了這一聲明。
去年9月,Instagram的聯合創始人麥克·克里格與凱文·西斯特羅姆離開了公司,據報道,這兩人與扎克伯格之間的關系十分緊張。WhatsApp其中一位創始人簡·科姆去年在其聯合創始人布萊恩·阿克頓離職前往其他新公司數月之后也離開了公司。阿克頓自那之后便發聲鼓勵人們刪除Facebook,而且在3月13日還再次呼吁過。(財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on March 14 that Chief Product Officer Chris Cox, and WhatsApp Vice President Chris Daniels, will be leaving the company, marking the latest in a string of executive departures for the embattled social network.
Cox’s departure is especially enormous for Facebook, where he was one of the first 15 engineering hires. As the company grew, Cox climbed his way through the ranks, touching every key Facebook product, including its News Feed, and most recently the company’s strategy. Cox gave his notice on March 11, according to a regulatory filing from Facebook.
In a note posted to his Facebook page, Cox said the shift in Facebook strategy toward create a private messaging network across its apps made it the right time for him to step aside.
“As Mark has outlined, we are turning a new page in our product direction, focused on an encrypted, interoperable, messaging network. It’s a product vision attuned to the subject matter of today: a modern communications platform that balances expression, safety, security, and privacy,” he wrote. “This will be a big project and we will need leaders who are excited to see the new direction through.”
Zuckerberg said he appreciates Cox’s “deep empathy for the people using our services and the uplifting spirit he brings to everything he does,” according to a blog post by the CEO announcing the changes. Zuckerberg also announced that WhatsApp Vice President Chris Daniels is leaving the company. Prior to leading WhatsApp, Daniels ran the business development team at Facebook and led Internet.org, Zuckerberg’s philanthropic venture to bring Internet connectivity to the developing world.
“Chris is one of the clearest and most principled business thinkers I’ve met and the diversity of challenges he has helped us navigate is impressive. I’ve really enjoyed working with Chris and I’m sure he will do great work at whatever he chooses to take on next,” Zuckerberg wrote. “While it is sad to lose such great people, this also creates opportunities for more great leaders who are energized about the path ahead to take on new and bigger roles.”
Will Cathcart, who previously was head of the Facebook app, was named the new head of WhatsApp. Fidji Simo, vice president of video, games, and monetization at Facebook, will take over as the head of the Facebook app, Zuckerberg said. As for Cox’s role, Zuckerberg said he doesn’t plan to appoint anyone in the near term, and will instead rely on the heads of each business unit at Facebook.
Cox and Daniels are the latest executives to leave Facebook, as the company tries to reposition itself after dealing with privacy scandals and the ongoing scourge of fake news spreading on the platform.
Last September, Instagram co-founders Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom, quit after reported tensions with Zuckerberg. Jan Koum, one of the co-founders of WhatsApp, also left the company last year, months after his co-founder, Brian Acton, left to pursue other ventures. Acton has since been vocal encouraging people to delete Facebook, renewing the call on March 13. |