


Clay Chandler 2018-10-09

2018年7月26日,拼多多的用戶在中國上海的上海中心大廈參加公司的上市儀式。VCG via Getty Images?

中國的科技公司在今年努力克服著令人怯步的新挑戰,不過VentureBeat援引復興資本(Renaissance Capital)的研究,在最近一份報告中表示,這些公司仍在海外股市中披荊斬浪。


今年中國值得注意的新上市科技公司包括電子商務平臺拼多多(Pinduoduo)和無人汽車初創公司蔚來汽車(NIO),前者在7月融資16億美元,后者在9月融資了10億美元。復興資本發現,2018年前9個月,中國公司在美國上市的共有23家,是2010年以來的最佳表現。這還不包括中國公司在香港轟動上市的公司如美團點評(Meituan Dianping)和小米(Xiaomi),前者在今年9月融資42億美元,后者在6月融資47億美元。

還有更多的中國公司正在籌劃上市。上周二,中國最大的音樂流媒體公司騰訊音樂娛樂集團(Tencent Music Entertainment Group)提交了在美國上市的申請。該公司旗下擁有QQ音樂和在線卡拉OK平臺等一系列流行應用,合計月活躍用戶超過8億人,實屬罕見,它可能會成為今年上市的規模最大的公司之一。

騰訊音樂由騰訊控股在2016年建立。在去年與Spotify Technology的股權互換中,該公司的估值為125億美元。《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)稱最近對騰訊音樂的估值大約達到了這一數值的兩倍,并推測它可能會成為有史以來科技公司最大的一次首次公開募股。

這些中國科技公司今年上市后的黯淡表現似乎并未澆滅投資者的熱情。而這些公司當中最令人期待的從阿里巴巴集團拆分出來的螞蟻金服(Ant Financial)卻擱置了上市的計劃。這家被很多人預測估值高達1,500億美元的移動支付巨頭恐怕還要至少一年時間才會首次公開募股。不過全球的投資者們很可能還會對它保持著高昂的熱情。(財富中文網)


China’s tech companies grappled with daunting new challenges this year, including Draconian government supervision at home and a welter of controls on exports and investments abroad. But they’re still crushing it on foreign stock markets, says a recent report in VentureBeat citing research by Renaissance Capital.

In the first three quarters of 2018, Chinese companies far outperformed U.S. counterparts in initial public offerings on U.S. stock exchanges, according to Renaissance. In the third quarter, 10 China-based tech companies listed on U.S. exchanges compared to only four U.S.-based firms.

Among this year’s notable China tech listings: e-commerce platform Pinduoduo, which raised $1.6 billion in July, and electric and autonomous car startup NIO, which raised $1 billion last month. Renaissance counts 23 Chinese IPOs in the U.S. the first nine months of 2018, the best showing for Chinese listings since 2010. And that’s not counting blockbuster China IPOs in Hong Kong, including Meituan Dianping, which raised $4.2 billion in September, and Xiaomi, which raised $4.7 billion in June.

And there are more China offerings are in the pipeline. On last Tuesday, China’s Tencent Music Entertainment Group, China’s largest music-streaming company, filed to go public in the U.S. The company, which operates a host of popular apps including QQ Music and an online karaoke platform, boasts more than 800 million total unique monthly active users, and is expected to be one of the biggest listings of the year.

Tencent Music was created by Tencent Holdings in 2016. An equity swap last year with Spotify Technology valued the company at $12.5 billion. The Wall Street Journal puts recent estimates of Tencent Music’s value at around double that, suggesting the company’s listing could be the biggest tech IPO ever.

Investors don’t seem that put off by the lackluster post-IPO performance of this year’s China tech debutantes. The most dazzling prospect of them all, Alibaba Group spin-off Ant Financial, has shelved plans for going public. Speculation now has it that the mobile payments giant, widely valued at $150 billion, will wait at least another year. Odds are global investors will still be keen.


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