中美貿易戰還沒打完兩個回合,就已導致了不少美國工人失去飯碗,這次倒霉的是一家南加州的消費電子產品工廠。 這家名叫Element Electronics的工廠坐落在南加州的溫斯伯勒,一個位于南加州首府北邊僅30英里的小城。該公司表示,之所以決定關閉生產設施,完全是受特朗普對華加征關稅的影響。該公司將保留8名骨干員工,以期未來恢復生產。 對于溫斯伯勒及其附近地區來說,Element Electronics停產的消息不啻于雪上加霜。最近該地區的失業愈演愈烈,已經有一家沃爾瑪超市和一家紡織廠先后關門停產。在當地建造兩個核電反應堆的計劃也已告吹。 據當地媒體報道,Element Electronics向南加州勞動局報告了它的停產計劃:“此次裁員和停產,是近期美國突然對從中國進口的大量商品加征關稅導致的,這些商品包括了溫斯伯勒工廠裝配業務所需的電視機的關鍵零部件。” 今年6月,美國最大的釘子生產商Mid-Continent Nail成了第一家因為遭受中美貿易戰沖擊而裁員的企業。該公司目前所用的鋼材主要進口自墨西哥。今年7月初,華盛頓的REC Silicon由于“遭受中美貿易爭端的直接影響”,也解雇了100名員工。這家公司主要生產太陽能電池板使用的多晶硅。 還有一些企業和行業集團也發布警告稱,美國提高對華進口關稅將進一步加劇國內失業情況。據美國太陽能行業協會預計,美國太陽能行業或將損失23,000個工作崗位。美國商會則表示,特朗普發起的貿易戰或將導致美國損失260萬個工作崗位。 沃爾沃汽車公司今年6月剛剛在南加州的里奇維爾建立了一個生產工廠,目前已經開始考慮在該工廠裁員。通用汽車、寶馬等汽車企業也向美國商務部致函,表達了他們對工資上漲和生產力下降等現象的擔憂。 哈雷戴維森公司也表示,自特朗普對歐盟鋼鐵加征關稅后,歐盟也對美國機動車加征了31%的進口關稅。因此該公司不得不將面向歐洲市場的汽車業務轉移到海外生產。 盡管南加州的Element Electronics停產了,特朗普還在力推加征新的關稅。據美聯社上周二報道,從8月23日起,特朗普政府將繼續對價值160億美元的中國商品加征進口關稅。(財富中文網) 譯者:樸成奎 |
The tariffs imposed by President Trump have claimed more jobs, this time at a consumer-electronics manufacturing plant in South Carolina. Element Electronics blamed tariffs on Chinese imports for its decision to shut down its manufacturing facilities in Winnsboro, SC, a town located about 30 miles north of the state’s capital. The plant, which makes Element TVs, will maintain a skeleton crew of eight workers, as it hopes the shutdown will be temporary. The news is especially hard for Winnsboro and its surrounding communities because of recent job losses in the area, including the shuttering of a Walmart store, the closing of a textile mill, and the cancellation of plans to construct two nuclear reactors. Element notified the state’s Department of Employment about its plans, according to Columbia-based The State newspaper, which first reported on the plant’s closing. In its notification, Element stated, “The layoff and closure is a result of the new tariffs that were recently and unexpectedly imposed on many goods imported from China, including the key television components used in our assembly operations in Winnsboro.” In June, America’s largest nail manufacturer, Mid-Continent Nail, became the first company to lay off workers and cite tariffs as the reason. The company made nails with steel imported from Mexico. In early July, Washington-based REC Silicon, which makes polysilicon used in solar panels, laid off 100 employees as “a direct result of the ongoing solar-trade dispute between China and the US.” Other companies and industry groups have warned that higher tariffs will lead to more job losses. The Solar Energy Industries Association estimated that another 23,000 jobs in the solar industry could be lost. And the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has argued that Trump’s trade actions could lead to 2.6 million American job losses in total. Volvo is considering slashing jobs at its own manufacturing facility in Ridgeville, SC, after having just opened the plant in June. General Motors and BMW sent letters to the Commerce Department stating their concerns about higher job prices and lower production. Harley-Davidson has also said it would move production of its Europe-bound vehicles offshore in response to a 31% tariff that the European Union imposed, which was itself retaliation against Trump’s tariffs on European steel. Despite the closing of Element’s plant in South Carolina, Trump is pushing ahead with the imposition of new tariffs. The AP reported last Tuesday that the Trump administration will go ahead with tariffs on $16 billion in Chinese imports beginning on August 23. |