美國總統特朗普在2016年競選期間信誓旦旦地表示,要在基礎設施方面投入約1萬億美元。但這項承諾至今還未兌現,就該問題的磋商也一再停滯。 上周二,美國交通部長趙小蘭出席在科羅拉多州阿斯彭市舉辦的《財富》科技頭腦風暴大會期間表示:“我們希望基礎設施方面做些大調整。” 此前,趙小蘭公開表態支持特朗普的基礎設施計劃,然而在過去兩個基礎設施宣傳周活動里,特朗普幾乎沒有露面。 在解釋基礎設施方案拖這么久還未落地時,趙小蘭表示,主要原因是就如何利用聯邦政府撥發的2000億美元負擔1.5萬億美元的基礎設施提案存在分歧。 “我們希望盡量促進兩黨達成共識,”她說,“其實基礎設施提案的費用有很多解決方案。” 趙小蘭特別提到,養老金、捐款,還有其他一些私營部門投資收益都可以填補基礎設施計劃的資金缺口。 當研討會主持人《財富》總裁穆瑞瀾問趙小蘭,怎樣應付特朗普政府看來永無休止的爭議和人事震動時,她回答道,從某種程度上說,這種情況扎根在美國的基因里。 “美國是一個很年輕的國家,活力十足又充分實現民主。回顧一下國父們的著作就會發現,很多是匿名的。這個社會就是非常喧鬧,喜歡爭論。” 在發表這番言論以前,趙小蘭剛為丈夫米奇·麥康奈爾辯解。之前有人抗議特朗普的移民政策造成移民家庭骨肉分離,而麥康奈爾是參議院多數黨共和黨的領袖。 今年6月末,趙小蘭在一段視頻里對抗議者說:“為什么不能放過我丈夫?為什么不放過我丈夫。” 被問及為何這屆政府引起的爭議格外多時,趙小蘭指出網絡擴散效應是主要原因。 “互聯網帶來的變化是,媒體可以7天24小時不斷追蹤,現在人們什么都知道。每個人都是記者,每個人都可以報道。當前是全方位互動的時代。”趙小蘭表示。(財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 ? |
President Donald Trump pledged to spend some $1 trillion on infrastructure while on the 2016 campaign trail. But such a promise has yet to materialize, with attempts to revive talks on the issue repeatedly stalling in Washington. “We hope to do something big on infrastructure,” said Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao at Fortune’s annual Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo. last Tuesday. Chao has vocally supported Trump’s plan of infrastructure in the past, even though Trump has held at least two “infrastructure weeks” with little to show for it. When addressing why it is taking so long to address the issue, Chao said the delays stem from disagreements about how to pay for an $1.5 trillion infrastructure proposal using $200 billion from the federal government. “We want to work on a bipartisan consensus,” she said, adding: “There are many ways of paying for for the infrastructure proposal.” Specifically, Chao pointed to filling in the funding gaps with private sector investments, from pensions, endowments, and others. When asked by panel moderator and Fortune president Alan Murray how she juggled the new administration’s seemingly never-ending controversies and shakeups, Chao argued that to an extent, it is built into the nation’s DNA. “Our country is a very young country. It is robust, full democracy. If you look at the founding fathers and their writings, many of them are anonymous,” she said. “We are in a very argumentative, very raucous society.” Those comments come after Chao defended her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ala.) from protestors confronting McConnell over Trump’s immigration policy that led to the separation of parents and children. “Why don’t you leave my husband alone?” She was videotaped saying in late June. “Why don’t you leave my husband alone.” As to why this current administration seems particularly raucous, Chao pointed to the proliferation of the internet. “What has changed is with 24/7 media, we now see everything. Every person here is a reporter. Every person is a journalist. We are seeing the full array of interactions,” she said. |