
特斯拉認為Model X致命事故過錯在于司機

特斯拉認為Model X致命事故過錯在于司機

Kirsten Korosec 2018-04-15

特斯拉(Tesla)表示,導致Model X撞擊公路隔欄的過錯方,是在事故中喪生的車主,而不是車載的半自動駕駛系統。

車主沃爾特·黃的家屬委托了一家法律機構研究可以采取的法律手段,而隨后,這家電動汽車廠商發布了指責司機的聲明。黃今年38歲,他的2017款Model X撞上了沒有防撞桶的混凝土公路隔欄邊緣,并導致了他的死亡。









代表黃先生家庭的法律公司Minami Tamaki表示,經過初步調查,他們發現其他特斯拉用戶也有過針對Autopilot導航錯誤的抱怨。公司稱:“我們認為特斯拉的Autopilot存在缺陷,可能導致了黃先生的死亡,盡管特斯拉顯然試圖把這場可怕悲劇的過錯歸于受害者。”


當Autopilot激活時,特斯拉的系統確實會提醒司機把手放在方向盤上。然而,不是所有的司機都會接受這些警告,特斯拉因為沒有阻止系統遭到誤用而一直受到批評。美國國家安全運輸委員會(National Transportation Safety Board)的調查顯示,2016年5月佛羅里達州一場致命的撞車,部分原因就在于司機過分依賴Autopilot。


美國國家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)之前曾調查過2016年的撞車事件,當時他們沒有發現Autopilot存在缺陷。(財富中文網)


Tesla says a Model X owner who died in a crash last month near San Francisco is at fault, not the semi-autonomous Autopilot system that was engaged when the SUV slammed into a highway divider.

The electric carmaker issued the statement blaming the driver, Walter Huang, after his family had hired a law firm to explore legal options for them. Huang, 38, died when his 2017 Model X drove his car into the unprotected edge of a concrete highway median that was missing its crash guard.

“According to the family, Mr. Huang was well aware that Autopilot was not perfect and, specifically, he told them it was not reliable in that exact location, yet he nonetheless engaged Autopilot at that location,” Tesla said in an emailed statement. “The crash happened on a clear day with several hundred feet of visibility ahead, which means that the only way for this accident to have occurred is if Mr. Huang was not paying attention to the road, despite the car providing multiple warnings to do so.

This is the third public statement by Tesla since the March 23 crash—and its strongest language yet in an effort to distance itself from the fatality. Tesla previously said Huang’s hands were not on the steering wheel for six seconds prior to the collision.

Tesla’s complete statement:

We are very sorry for the family’s loss.

According to the family, Mr. Huang was well aware that Autopilot was not perfect and, specifically, he told them it was not reliable in that exact location, yet he nonetheless engaged Autopilot at that location. The crash happened on a clear day with several hundred feet of visibility ahead, which means that the only way for this accident to have occurred is if Mr. Huang was not paying attention to the road, despite the car providing multiple warnings to do so.

The fundamental premise of both moral and legal liability is a broken promise, and there was none here. Tesla is extremely clear that Autopilot requires the driver to be alert and have hands on the wheel. This reminder is made every single time Autopilot is engaged. If the system detects that hands are not on, it provides visual and auditory alerts. This happened several times on Mr. Huang’s drive that day.

We empathize with Mr. Huang’s family, who are understandably facing loss and grief, but the false impression that Autopilot is unsafe will cause harm to others on the road. NHTSA found that even the early version of Tesla Autopilot resulted in 40% fewer crashes and it has improved substantially since then. The reason that other families are not on TV is because their loved ones are still alive.

A Tesla spokesman would not provide additional information about the crash, including how many times the vehicle issued the alerts to Huang while driving or how many warnings are typically issued before the Autopilot system disengages. Autopilot issues visual and audio alerts if the driver’s hands leave the steering wheel for a period of time. The system is supposed to disengage after several warnings.

The law firm representing the Huang family said that a preliminary review has uncovered complaints by other Tesla drivers of navigational errors by the Autopilot feature. “The firm believes Tesla’s Autopilot feature is defective and likely caused Huang’s death, despite Tesla’s apparent attempt to blame the victim of this terrible tragedy,” according to the law firm, Minami Tamaki.

Autopilot is marketed by Tesla as a semi-autonomous driving system rather than fully autonomous that handles all aspects of driving in certain conditions without expectation of the driver’s involvement. Autopilot includes several features like an automatic steering function that helps drivers steer within a lane, adaptive cruise control that maintains the car’s speed in relation to surrounding traffic, and an auto lane change feature that is supposed to move the vehicle into an adjacent lane automatically when the turn signal is activated—but only when it’s safe to do so.

Tesla’s system does give warnings to remind drivers to keep hands on the wheel when Autopilot is activated. However, not all drivers heed those warnings, and Tesla has been criticized for failing to protect against misuse of the system. A fatal May 2016 crash in Florida was caused partly by the driver overly relying on Autopilot, according to a National Transportation Safety Board investigation.

At the time, the NTSB said that “operational limits” such as Tesla being unable to ensure that drivers are paying attention when a car travels at high speed played a major role in the 2016 fatal crash. The agency recommended Tesla and other automakers take steps to ensure that semi-autonomous systems are not misused. For instance, GM’s semi-autonomous Supercruise system, which is an option in the Cadillac CT6, has a camera system that ensures the driver is looking ahead or it will disengage.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which also investigated the 2016 crash, found no defects with Autopilot.


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