


彭博社 2018年04月10日


因有媒體報道稱蘋果公司計劃最早2020年開始使用自產芯片,取代英特爾公司(Intel Corp.)的處理器,標準普爾500指數中的半導體板塊下跌超過5%,為兩年來最大跌幅。該板塊中的15只成分股下跌至少3%,其中英特爾下跌了7.7%,是2016年1月以來的最大跌幅。


瑞士信貸集團(Credit Suisse AG)美洲區ETF做市業務負責人約什·盧克曼說道:“這是科技股集中平倉趨勢的一部分,而蘋果公司淘汰部分食物鏈,改為自給自足,加劇了這個趨勢。”

3月份,投資者從VanEck Vectors Semiconductors基金撤走近5億美元資金,為歷史之最。該基金(股票代碼:SMH)前一個月剛剛吸引了創紀錄的資金流入。


在該ETF基金持倉比例(5.1%)排在第五位的英偉達公司(Nvidia Corp.),在兩周內下跌近9%。英偉達股票在2016年上漲超過兩倍,去年又翻了一番。另外一家行業巨頭美光科技公司(Micron Technology Inc.)第三季度的銷售預期令人失望,其股價自3月20日以來下跌了18%。美光科技令人炫目的收入增長速度曾刺激其股價大漲。(財富中文網)


A bad day for chipmakers just got worse.

Semiconductor shares in the S&P 500 Index plunged more than 5 percent, the most in two years, after a report that Apple Inc. plas to start using its chips as soon as 2020 rather than processors made by from Intel Corp. All 15 members of the group lost at least 3 percent, with Intel down 7.7 percent, its biggest rout since January 2016.

The group was already lower by 3 percent before the Bloomberg News report, as a renewed tumble in technology shares led broader market measures to the worst day since the early February selloff. Chipmakers, which set a record just three weeks ago, have now lost 12 percent amid an exodus of cash from a popular semiconductors exchange-traded fund last month.

“This is part of the tech unwind story that was exacerbated with Apple Inc.’s move toward eliminating parts of the food chain in favor of doing it themselves,” said Josh Lukeman, head of ETF market making for the Americas at Credit Suisse AG.

Investors pulled almost a half a billion dollars — the most on record — from the VanEck Vectors Semiconductors fund in March. The fund, which goes by the ticker SMH, had attracted record inflows a month earlier.

While Intel pushed the group deeper into the red, there were other signs of trouble in a group that had rallied more than 50 percent in the prior two years.

Nvidia Corp., the ETF’s fifth largest holding at 5.1 percent, is down almost 9 percent in two weeks. It more than tripled in 2016 and doubled again last year. Micron TechnologyInc., another sector heavyweight, has lost 18 percent since March 20, after it gave a disappointing sales forecast for third-quarter. Its dizzying pace of revenue growth had fueled its rally.

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