據媒體報道,美國在線零售巨頭亞馬遜公司近日罕見地在其西雅圖總部裁員數百人。 《西雅圖時報》本周一報道,據了解此次裁員內情的人稱,亞馬遜還將繼續從其他業務部門裁員數百人。 亞馬遜公司的一位發言人對《財富》表示,“作為年度規劃程序的一部分,我們正在全公司范圍內對員工進行調整,其中對幾個地方進行了小幅縮減,但在很多其他地方卻在積極招聘。” 據《西雅圖時報》稱,隨著公司近期的快速增長,亞馬遜的某些部門出現了“人口過剩”的問題。各部門經理都面臨著擠壓能力較低的員工的壓力,同時公司對開支也管得更緊了。一位不愿透露姓名的工程師對《西雅圖時報》表示:“亞馬遜現在確實存在‘人口過剩’的問題。” 《西雅圖時報》稱,此次裁員主要集中在亞馬遜的消費零售業務。無獨有偶,亞馬遜在電商領域的勁敵沃爾瑪最近也在裁員。據稱沃爾瑪將在其本頓維爾總部裁掉500個職位左右,以期在業務“瘦身”后能更好地與亞馬遜進行競爭。 與各自的員工基數相比,亞馬遜和沃爾瑪此次的裁員幅度都不算大。從亞馬遜近日發布的2017年年報看,亞馬遜在全球共有約56.6萬名員工,較一年前的34.14萬,增幅不可謂不驚人。(除了自身的增長,亞馬遜去年還進行了幾筆收購,尤其是去年夏天收購了全食公司。)為了給這些新員工安排工作,據稱亞馬遜正在物色地皮,建設公司的第二總部。 本月月初,亞馬遜公布了2017年10至12月的營收。在假日季的強勢刺激下,亞馬遜當季營收達到605億美元,較上年的437.4億美元有較大增長。另外由于其聲控設備Echo大受追捧,加之其Prime服務的會員人數出現躍升,亞馬遜當季利潤也達到了19億美元。(財富中文網) 譯者:樸成奎? |
Amazon is cutting hundreds of jobs at its Seattle headquarters in a rare set of layoffs for the online retailing giant, according to a media report. The company will also cut hundreds more jobs in other parts of Amazon’s operations, the Seattle Times reported on Monday, citing a person familiar with the eliminations. An Amazon spokesman told Fortune that “as part of our annual planning process, we are making head count adjustments across the company—small reductions in a couple of places and aggressive hiring in many others.” According to the Times, the Amazon layoffs are the result of the quick growth of late that saw it end up with too much staff in some units. The paper also said managers are under pressure to squeeze out lower-caliber employees and show more spending discipline. “Amazon has a problem right now with overpopulation,” one unnamed engineer told the Times. The layoffs are mostly concentrated in Amazon’s consumer retail businesses, the Timesreported. The move echoes recent layoffs at Amazon’s e-commerce arch-rival Walmart. Walmart is in the process of cutting up to 500 or so jobs at its Bentonville, Arkansas headquarters as it looks to streamline its operations and be as nimble as it can to compete with Amazon. For both companies, the cuts are modest in relation to staffing levels. Amazon employs about 566,000 people worldwide, according to its recently published annual report for 2017. That was up from 341,400 a year earlier. (In addition to its organic growth, Amazon has made some acquisitions in the last year, notably that of Whole Foods Market last summer.) Such has Amazon’s growth been that it is currently in the process of prospecting locations for a second headquarters. Earlier this month, Amazon reported revenues of $60.5 billion for the three months ended Dec. 31, up from $43.74 billion a year earlier, fueled by strong sales during the holiday season. It also reported a profit of $1.9 billion on the strength of the popularity of its voice-activated Echo devices and jump in its Prime memberships. |