


Hallie Detrick 2018年02月13日


越來越多用戶反映,來電時iPhone X觸屏最長需要十秒時間才能開啟,結果用戶無法用屏幕上的按鈕接聽或者掛掉電話。在蘋果論壇上,不少iPhone X用戶稱遇到類似問題:


“我的iPhone X接到來電時,手機鈴聲都開始響了,但屏幕要六到八秒之后才有顯示。重啟后問題會消失,但接15到20個電話以后,又出現同樣的問題?!?


市場研究機構Canalys數據顯示,iPhone X是去年圣誕新年期間最熱門的手機,假期出貨2900萬部。但今年1月,iPhone X的銷量下滑,蘋果的股價因此遭遇一年來首次回調,連日累計下跌10%。

這已經不是iPhone X第一次出現麻煩。去年這款新iPhone的生產推遲,上市日期也隨之延后。蘋果最新發布的財報顯示,雖然去年第四季度iPhone銷量下降,當季盈利還是史上最高。今年1月末有媒體報道稱,由于銷售表現不佳,蘋果計劃將iPhone X的目標產量減半。(財富中文網)




After shelling out for the latest iPhone, some users are finding the device doesn’t perform its most basic function: taking calls.

A growing number of users reported that the iPhone X touchscreen takes up to 10 seconds to turn on when a call comes in, preventing use of the on-screen buttons to answer or decline a call. In online Apple forums, iPhone X users outlined the issue:

“I can often not see an incoming call coming, can only hear it! At other times, there is a significant delay. ”

“Whenever i receive an incoming call in my iphone x , ringtones starts but the display comes in after 6-8 seconds. Whenever i restart my iphone x the problems gets automatically solved and after 15-20 calls the same problem starts again”

Apple said it was looking into the reports.

iPhone X was the most popular phone for the holidays, shipping 29 million unitsaccording to the market research group Canalys. But sales of the device fell in January, leading to Apple’s first market correction—a 10% stock price decline in sequential days—in over a year.

This was not the first sign of trouble for the latest iPhone. Last year, production delays pushed back the launch of the phone and though the company’s latest earnings report shows a record quarterly profit, unit sales of the iPhone are down. At the end of January, the company reportedly planned to cut its production target for the device in half due to poor sales.

This story has been updated to reflect Apple’s comment to Fortune.

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