從伊拉克和敘利亞的戰場,到東歐的妓院,全球估計還有4,030萬人仍然在遭受奴役。現代奴隸制度橫跨各大洲,棉花、咖啡、采礦等主要產業都能見到它的身影。盡管建立在貧民和脆弱人群之上,但這一行業每年為奴隸販子帶來了1,500億美元的驚人收入——平均每位受害者貢獻了3,722美元。 政府、非政府組織和跨國企業已經展開合作,幫助終結現代奴隸制度。不過想要結束這場災難,還有更多需要去做——既需要加強執法力度,也要讓商業行為更加透明。 美國外交關系委員會(Council on Foreign Relations)發布的最新信息要覽深入挖掘了令人發指的現代奴隸世界。通過受害者的證詞,配上地圖、照片和演示工具,要覽向讀者揭示了現代奴隸貿易的現實,以及奴隸制度綿延至21世紀的因素。 由貧困、沖突、遷徙和全球人口激增所推動的現代奴隸制度,傷害形式包括多種,例如性剝削、抵債勞動、家庭奴役或逼婚。盡管也涉及男性,但遭到拐賣的受害者中有四分之三都是婦女和女孩。每四個受害者中,就有一個是兒童。盡管奴隸貿易并不涉及人種或種族歧視,但大部分受害者來自貧困社區,因為可行的掙錢途徑不多,他們易于相信人販子虛假和危險的承諾,去追逐更美好的未來。 外交關系委員會的要覽中介紹的一位獲救者名叫薩那本,之前是泰國漁船上的工人。漁業的招聘人員常常向移居者做出工作賺錢的虛假承諾,之后他們則會被送去從事那些危險的工作,還會遭到虐待。薩那本表示,船上的工人被剝奪了自由,也無法獲得足夠的睡眠。因為工作環境危險,許多人掉入海中,然而沒有人去追蹤他們的死訊,因為他們是非法勞工。 我們還見到了智賢,她是一個脫北者,在祖國被強迫勞動,在中國又被逼婚,另外還有剛果民主共和國的娃娃兵姆巴拉;被伊斯蘭國俘虜成為性奴的雅茲迪人納迪亞;以及美國性剝削的受害者娜塔莉。 這些受害者的故事涉及多個地區和行業,都很悲慘。我們要怎么做才能遏制這種可怕制度的盛行呢? 首先,我們需要提高罪犯得到正法的概率。在地球上任何一個國家,奴隸制都是非法的。然而違法者極少被起訴,更不用說定罪。因此,一些專家推薦策略性的起訴,即通過個案來推動法律系統的大范圍改變。策略性起訴并不只是要贏得官司,而是要引發公眾對問題的關注,鼓勵公開辯論,最終目的是建立一個新的判決先例。這種方式在國際上涉及社會公正的案例中取得了很好的效果,例如有關肯尼亞,以及在美國的非裔美國人的情況。 其次,更多政府應該立法,委托企業公開評估自身的供應鏈。這些法律可以建立在現有的模板之上,例如英國2015年的《現代奴隸法案》(Modern Slavery Act),它要求年收入超過3,600萬英鎊的企業每年發布報表,闡述他們采取了什么措施來消滅供應鏈上可能存在的奴隸制度。 要進一步加強立法工作,政府還可以聘請獨立的第三方機構對企業的供應鏈進行審計,確保他們的年度報表準確無誤。為了讓企業遵守規定,法律還應當對那些未能發布報表的企業施以罰款或刑事處罰。 企業也應當帶頭出臺有關道德采購和勞動招聘的要求。有些公司已經著手在做了。例如,塔吉特(Target)就計劃通過加強對供應鏈的監督,運用技術收集供應鏈上工人的實時數據,在2020年以前根除強迫勞動的現象。類似的,因為發現涉及轉運(在貨物抵達最終目的地之前運到一個中間地)系統的員工是奴隸,瑪氏(Mars)和雀巢(Nestle)去年決定完全取消供應鏈的轉運機制。 政府、企業和非政府組織需要聯合起來遏制現代奴隸制度,并對它的普遍性提高警惕。他們做得越成功,世界各地的受害者就有越大的可能重獲自由。(財富中文網) 作者貝基·艾倫是美國外交關系委員會女性與國外政策項目的助理研究員。蓋爾·澤馬赫·萊蒙是美國外交關系委員會女性與國外政策項目的客座研究員。 譯者:嚴匡正 |
From the gulags of North Korea to the battlefields of Iraq and Syria and the brothels of Eastern Europe, an estimated 40.3 million people are enslaved worldwide. Modern slavery spans every continent and plagues major industries, including cotton, coffee, and mining. Despite feeding off of poor and vulnerable populations, the practice generates a staggering $150 billion for traffickers per year—an average of $3,722 per victim. Governments, NGOs, and multinational corporations have already begun collaborating to help end modern slavery. But more is needed to end this scourge—both through tougher law enforcement and better transparency in business practices. A new InfoGuide produced by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) offers an in-depth look at the heinous world of modern slavery. Through victim testimonials, along with maps, graphics, and teaching tools, the guide exposes readers to the realities of the modern slave trade and the factors that continue to drive it in the 21st century. Fueled by poverty, conflict, displacement, and the global population boom, modern slavery can take several harmful forms: sexual exploitation, bonded labor, domestic servitude, or forced marriage. And while men are affected, close to three-quarters of trafficking victims are women and girls. One in four victims is a child. While the practice doesn’t discriminate across racial or ethnic lines, most victims come from impoverished communities, where a lack of viable economic options propels them toward the traffickers’ false and dangerous promises of a better future. Among the survivors introduced by the CFR InfoGuide is Thanapun, a former fishing boat worker in Thailand. Recruiters in the fishing industry routinely offer false promises of lucrative jobs to migrants, who become trapped in dangerous and abusive jobs. According to Thanapun, workers on the boat were denied freedom and deprived of adequate sleep. Many fell into the sea due to hazardous conditions, yet their deaths were never tracked because they were working illegally. We also meet Jihyun, an escapee from North Korea who endured forced labor in her home country and forced marriage in China; Mbala, a former child soldier in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Nadia, a Yazidi sex slave held captive by the Islamic State; and Natalie, a victim of sexual exploitation in the U.S. While victims’ stories span regions and industries, all are tragic. So what can we do to confront this terrible epidemic? First, we need to increase the chances that criminals are brought to justice. Slavery is not legal in any nation on Earth. Yet perpetrators are rarely prosecuted, let alone convicted. Consequently, some experts propose strategic litigation, which aims to bring about broader systemic change in a legal system through an individual case. More than simply winning a case, strategic litigation seeks to raise awareness about an issue and encourage public debate with the ultimate goal of setting a new precedent. The technique has made a difference in global social justice cases ranging from , to in Kenya, to for African Americans in the U.S. Second, more governments should implement laws mandating that businesses publicly assess their supply chains. These laws could build on existing models, such as the United Kingdom’s Modern Slavery Act of 2015, which requires businesses with annual revenues of more than £36 million to publish yearly statements describing the steps they’ve taken to eliminate slavery from their supply chains. To further strengthen such legislation, an independent third party could be appointed to conduct audits of companies’ supply chains to ensure that their annual statements are accurate. To incentivize businesses to comply, the legislation should impose monetary and criminal penalties on companies that fail to participate in reporting. Businesses should also take the lead in instituting ethical sourcing and labor recruitment requirements. Some already have. Target, for example, aims to eliminate forced labor by 2020 by better monitoring its supply chain and using technology to collect real-time data from workers across the supply chain. Likewise, upon discovering that some workers involved in their transshipment (the process of shipping items to an intermediate location before they go to their final destination) systems were slaves, Mars and Nestle committed to eliminating transshipping from their supply chainsaltogether last year. Together, governments, businesses, and NGOs need to keep fighting modern slavery and raising awareness about its pervasiveness. The more successful they are, the greater chance its victims around the world will be set free. Becky Allen is a research associate with the Women and Foreign Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations. Gayle Tzemach Lemmon is an adjunct fellow with the Women and Foreign Policy program at the Council on Foreign Relations. |