


彭博社 2018-01-11

在中國這個全球增長最快的電影市場,華特迪士尼公司的《星球大戰:最后的絕地武士》(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)在上映的首個周末斬獲了約2870萬美元的票房,不敵同系列的前兩部影片。

位于加州伯班克的迪士尼公司上周日宣布,計算中國票房,《星球大戰:最后的絕地武士》的全球票房已達到12.1億美元。盡管這樣的成績與2015年上映的同系列影片《星球大戰:原力覺醒》(Star Wars:The Force Awakens)20.7億美元的全球票房仍有一定的差距,但對于《最后的絕地武士》來說也算是一種成功。雖然迪士尼一直在中國努力培養“星戰”電影的受眾,但中國影迷們在成長過程中并未受到小說《星球大戰前傳三部曲》的熏陶。因此從這一個角度來看,新影片便存在先天不足。《星球大戰:原力覺醒》當年在中國首映斬獲了5230萬美元票房。

上一部“星戰”影片《星球大戰外傳:俠盜一號》(Star Wars:Rogue One)在首映期間攬獲了3000萬美元的票房。亞馬遜公司旗下電影票房統計網站Box Office Mojo顯示,這部影片在中國電影首映票房排行榜上已名列百名開外,《原力覺醒》的首映票房成績排在第41位。美國環球影業發行的《速度與激情8》(The Fate of the Furious)則憑借1.85億美元的首映周末票房,穩坐中國首映票房榜首位置。

北京咨詢公司Fanink Research的聯合創始人詹姆斯·李指出,迪士尼根據漫威漫畫改編的電影在中國更受歡迎。世人皆能看懂的打斗場面和更簡單的故事情節往往在中國更受歡迎。漫威電影《復仇者聯盟2:奧創紀元》(The Avengers: Age of Ultron)便在首映排行榜上奪得了探花的位置。

中國電影行業資訊網站“中國底片”的分析師喬納森·帕皮什在上周四晚的中國試映之后便發推文表示,《最后的絕地武士》將遜于前幾部影片。他在推文中說道,“該影片口碑堪憂,反響不如前幾部。”另外,在爭奪首映票房霸主期間,該片還遭遇了《前任3:再見前任》(The Ex-File: The Return of the Exes)的沖擊,后者是中國人氣爆棚喜劇“前任”系列影片的第三部續作,講述了幾位單身漢的浪漫故事。《最后的絕地武士》的首映恰逢《再見前任》上映的第二個周末。


與此同時,美國觀眾開始轉移對星戰系列影片的關注,而星戰熱的回歸至少要等到今年5月迪士尼《星球大戰外傳:索羅》(Solo: A Star Wars Story)的上映。目前北美票房最高的影片是索尼哥倫比亞影業出品的《勇敢者游戲:決戰叢林》(Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle)。該片由人稱“巨石”的好萊塢動作明星道恩·道格拉斯·強森擔綱,現已斬獲3600萬美元的票房。《星球大戰:最后的絕地武士》名列北美票房榜第三位,票房2360萬美元。


作為上周末唯一的重量級新面孔,環球影業的系列恐怖片《潛伏4:鎖命亡靈》(Insidious: The Last Key)斬獲了2930萬美元的票房,排在北美票房榜第二位,而BoxOfficePro此前曾預計其票房為1680萬美元。(財富中文網)



Walt Disney Co.’s “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” brought in an estimated $28.7 million in its opening weekend in China, coming in below its two predecessors in the world’s fastest-growing market.

That brings the global haul for “The Last Jedi” to $1.21 billion, the Burbank, California-based company said Sunday. It makes the film a success even if it doesn’t reach the heights of 2015’s “The Force Awakens,” which rang up $2.07 billion worldwide. Disney has been trying to build an audience for “Star Wars” in China, where moviegoers didn’t grow up with the original trilogy, and by that measure the new film fell short. “The Force Awakens” brought in $52.3 million when it opened there.

The last “Star Wars” movie to open in China, “Rogue One,” generated $30 million in its opening, outside the top 100 movie debuts in the country, according to Box Office Mojo. “The Force Awakens” was the 41st. Universal Pictures’ “The Fate of the Furious” holds the record for the biggest debut weekend in China with $185 million.

Disney has had more success with its Marvel comic-book movies in China, where universally understood action scenes and simpler story lines tend to translate better, according to James Li, co-founder of the Beijing-based consulting firm Fanink Research. “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” had the third-biggest debut on record.

“Word of mouth is dismal and worse than the previous films,” Jonathan Papish, an analyst at China Film Insider, a website that reports on the industry, tweeted after Thursday night previews from China showed “The Last Jedi” lagging predecessors. “The Last Jedi” was challenged for the top spot by “The Ex-File: The Return of the Exes,” the third installment in a hugely popular romantic comedy series about a group of bachelors, in its second weekend in theaters.

Disney shares declined less than 1 percent to $111.40 in early trading in New York. The stock had gained 3.9 percent through the 12 months ended Jan. 5.

In the U.S., meanwhile, audiences are beginning to move on from Star Wars — at least until Disney unleashes “Solo: A Star Wars Story” in May. The top film in North America was “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” Sony Pictures’ action-comedy starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, with $36 million. “The Last Jedi” placed third, with $23.6 million.

“Jumanji” had been projected to reap $32 million, according to BoxOfficePro.com. The surprise hit had brought in more than $350 million worldwide before the weekend, holding its own in the shadow of “Star Wars.” Sony is already considering a sequel.

The weekend’s only major new release, Universal Pictures’ horror sequel “Insidious: The Last Key,” placed second with $29.3 million. BoxOfficePro had estimated $16.8 million.


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