


EMILY PRICE 2018年01月03日



來自GBH Insights的分析師這樣描述:蘋果公司將在2017年銷售2.23億部iPhone,高于前一年的2.11億部。


值得一提的是,蘋果公司的所有iPhone機型的銷售業績均十分可觀。僅在2017年,蘋果就發布了三款新的機型:iPhone X、iPhone 8以及iPhone 8 Plus。這些新產品都有助于蘋果建立起得天獨厚的競爭優勢。

不過,對于這家總部位于加利福尼亞州庫比蒂諾的科技公司而言,銷量最高的時候還不是2017年。在2015年,蘋果發布了iPhone 6,這款重新設計的產品深受歡迎,銷量高達2.3億部。(財富中文網)


Once again, Apple’s iPhone was the best-selling tech product of the year.

Not only was the iPhone the best-selling tech product of 2017, according to a USA Today report, but its sales numbers were so large that it sold more than the next four items combined on the best-selling list.

The paper worked with GBH Insights for the report. In it, analysts claim that Apple will sell 223 million iPhones this year, up from the 211 million phones it sold in 2016.

As for the other products that made it to the top five those are (in order): The Samsung Galaxy S8 and Note 8 smartphones (counted as one product) at 33 million, AmazonEcho Dot connected speakers at 24 million, Apple Watch at 20 million, and Nintendo Switch video game console at 15 million.

Worth noting, Apple’s huge sales numbers include all of its iPhone models. This year alone, the company released three new versions of the phone: the iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus. That certainly helped it destroy its competition.

While huge, this year’s sales numbers also aren’t a record for the Cupertino, Calif. company. That honor belongs to 2015 when Apple released the iPhone 6, a redesign that led to 230 million in sales.

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