


Anne VanderMey 2017-05-23

1. 《沖突:顛覆時代的熱情品牌》(Friction: Passion Brands in the Age of Disruption)

作者:杰夫·羅森布拉姆,喬丹·伯格( Jeff Rosenblum,Jordan Berg)


2. 《噢,你要去的會議》(Oh, the Meetings You’ll Go To!)

作者:舒依茨博士(Dr. Suits)

這是經典的畢業禮物《噢,你要去的地方!》的續集,值得一讀。在書中,匿名的舒依茨博士為如今入門級的工作撰寫了辛辣而同情的小詩。它還選擇了“英雄”(hero)與“收件箱沒有新郵件”(in-box zero)的尾韻。

3. 《高管的彩色繪本》(The Executive Coloring Book)

作者:瑪茜·漢斯、丹尼斯·奧爾特曼和馬丁·A·科恩(Marcie Hans, Dennis Altman, and Martin A. Cohen)


本文登載于《財富》2017年6月1日版,標題為“夏季推薦輕松讀物”(Summer Reads, but Light on Reading)


1. Friction: Passion Brands in the Age of Disruption

by Jeff Rosenblum and Jordan Berg

Courtesy of powerHouse Books Photograph by Michael Chini

This slick volume by digital ad agency execs uses elegant typefaces to dress up a serious critique of modern marketing: Most ads don’t work, and brands must adapt.

2. Oh, the Meetings You’ll Go To!

by Dr. Suits

Courtesy of Penguin Random House Photograph by Michael Chini

In this worthy update to the classic graduation gift, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!, the anonymous “Dr. Suits” offers a biting but empathetic poem on entry-level jobs today. It also rhymes “hero” with “in-box zero.”

3. The Executive Coloring Book

by Marcie Hans, Dennis Altman, and Martin A. Cohen

Courtesy of Penguin Random House Photograph by Michael Chini

First published in 1961, this is the original adult coloring book. But Zen it is not. Like an early (more stylish) “Dilbert,” it pokes fun at executive life, bidding readers, “Color my underwear important.”

A version of this article appears in the June 1, 2017 issue of Fortune with the headline "Summer Reads, but Light on Reading." We've included affiliate links in this article.


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