


Chirs Morris 2017年05月07日










上世紀六十七年代的時候,你拿一個拍立得相機給人拍照,咔嚓一聲就從相機里打印出一張照片來,簡直是一件酷得不得了的事情。不過現在的數碼照相機大都缺乏這個功能。拍立得早在2008年時就已是死而不僵,只能靠再次申請破產和暫時停產茍延一時。然而在情懷大軍的千呼萬喚下(加上聘請了Lady Gaga當品牌代言),拍立得竟然又重新煥發了一絲生機。現在,拍立得又推出了售價僅70美元的PIC-300相機,它在拍照后僅需4秒鐘就可以打印出名片大小的照片。當然,你還得像過去那樣購買專用的拍立得膠片。一盒雙組膠片的售價是20美元,大約能拍20張照片。


圖中這種80年代美國嬉皮少年最愛的手提音響又回來了(當然它在國內從未遠去,只要有廣場舞的地方就有它的身影),這在很大程度上要感謝Monster Products公司。為了迎合新一代年輕人的口味,這款400美元的SuperStar Monster Blaster音箱內置了一枚超帶感的低音炮,不僅能將聲音傳遞給聽眾,還能將墻壁反彈的回聲再反射回去,從而將聲音填滿整個房間。該音響有兩種不同的聲音模式,配有一個USB插口和一塊可充電電池。另外它還可以通過藍牙與手機或平板電腦進行連接。雖然這是一款主打情懷牌的產品,但它也沒有傻缺到真的需要播放磁帶或CD的地步。


索尼當年之所以成為了一個家喻戶曉的品牌,就是因為它發明了世界上第一款隨身的音樂播放器。但自此之后,它的創新力度一直沒有跟上去,從而為競爭對手留了一扇門,最終讓智能手機成了這個領域的主宰。不過“隨身聽”這個名字至今還是很有殺傷力的,因此索尼也順勢推出了一款售價420美元的NW-A37HN 64GB隨身聽。不要因為這一串字母就覺得頭大,它和當年的隨身聽已經完全不可同日而語。這款設備能夠播放高清音頻,更加迷你化的設計也能讓用戶全心沉浸在音樂中。


坦率地講,我們認為上圖這款卡西歐CA53W Databank手表跟80年代熱賣的那幾款沒啥區別,然而它依然很受現今用戶的喜愛。它的8位計算器功能只能做一些簡單的加減乘除。跟它幾十年前的老大哥比起來,它的優點在于體型比較輕薄,而且具備防水功能。雖然它的功能比不上蘋果的Apple Watch,但和Apple Watch的269到1299美元的售價相比,它15美元的價格真是大大的良心價。

Super 8攝像機

在上世紀70年代,Super 8攝像機一直是J.J.艾布拉姆斯等知名電影人青眼有加的一種設備,也是當時家用攝影機的標桿。在去年的拉斯維加斯消費電子展上,柯達公司宣布將要復活這個風靡一時的品牌,只是這次要加入模擬和數字功能。不過該產品未能按期出貨。今年,柯達公司再次展出了一款模型產品,它雖然使用了膠片攝影,但同時也搭載了一塊LCD監視屏、一個SD卡槽(僅用于音頻)以及一個用來連接大尺寸監視屏的HDMI接口。該產品目前仍無一個確切的上市日期,不過該公司此前曾暗示過,第一批產品(售價2,000美元)可能將在今年夏天前出貨。隨后推出的非專業版本的售價預計將有所降低。(財富中文網)


Founded by George Eastman in 1888, Eastman Kodak was still greatly admired in the 80s, when it launched its rallying cry to recover from its struggling business. In the first quarter of 1983, the company announced a 73% decline in earnings. Consumers' shift away from cameras that used traditional film was the nail in the iconic company's coffin. Although Kodak invented digital camera technology back in 1975, it was hesitant to release the technology for fear of cannibalizing its film business. The market ultimately forced the company to retire its film brand Kodacrome in 2009, after a 74-year run. Three years later, the once-mighty company filed for Chapter 11. Photo: SSPL/Getty Images

classic technology

Never underestimate the power of nostalgia.

Whether it's reunion tours of 80's hair metal bands or favorite childhood games, people have a huge interest in the things they grew up with—even technology.

That might seem a little weird considering how disposable most of our gadgets are today. People keep smartphones for maybe two years before gleefully buying a newer model. But with a few tweaks, some tech companies have found ways to make old tech new again.

Here a few examples that are worth checking out.

Polaroid Instamatic Camera

During the 1960s and 70s, there was nothing cooler than being able to take photos and then immediately get prints of your shot. But today's digital cameras mostly lack that ability. Polaroid was thought to be all but dead in 2008 when it filed for bankruptcy for a second time and temporarily quit producing cameras, but a wave of nostalgia (and the hiring of Lady Gaga as the brand's face) brought it back. Today, the $70 Polaroid PIC-300 lets users take snapshots that they can print as business card sized photos within at least four seconds. You'll need to use special Polaroid film, just like the cameras of old. A two-pack of that film that will take 20 pictures will run you $20.

The Boombox

The iconic 80s audio staple is back, thanks in large part to Monster Products. The $400 SuperStar Monster Blaster has been rethought for the current generation with an integrated subwoofer, giving it a deep, rich sound that’s designed to not only aim audio directly at users, but also bounce the sound off of walls to fill the room. It comes with a pair of different sound modes, a USB charging slot, and, a rechargeable battery. It will pair with smartphones and tablets via Bluetooth, but it didn't go so far as to add an old-school cassette or CD player.

Sony Walkman

Sony built its reputation with the first portable music player, but it then failed to innovate—opening the door for competitors and eventually smart phones to dominate the scene. There's still power in the Walkman name, though, and Sony's hoping to capitalize on it with the $420 NW-A37HN 64GB Walkman. Don't let the alphabet soup product name put you on pause. The device offers high-resolution audio and a minimal design that lets you focus on the music.

Calculator Watch

Honestly, we don't see a tremendous difference between Casio's $15 CA53W Databank Watch and the models that were hot in the early 1980s. But they're still popular with users. The eight-digit calculator lets you add, subtract, multiply, and divide, but that's about it. It is a thinner, lighter model than its parent (or grandparent) and is water resistant. It may not have all the features of an Apple Watch, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than the $269 to $1,299 those will run you.

Super 8 camera

The Super 8 camera has long been a favorite medium of filmmakers such as J.J. Abrams and was a standard for just about anyone who shot home movies in the 1970s. Last year at the annual consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, Kodak turned a lot of heads when it announced plans to revive the long dormant brand, this time merging analog and digital. The product failed to ship on schedule, but this year Kodak showed off a working prototype that used film, but also had an LCD monitor, a SD recording slot (for audio only) and an HDMI port that let people watch the footage on a large monitor. There's still no definitive date of availability, but the company has hinted that the first units, which will cost $2,000, will be out before summer. Later non-special edition models are expected to cost less.

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