據國際數據公司(IDC)本周四發布的一項最新調查顯示,2017年第一季度,全球智能手機出貨量約為3.47億部,比去年同期上漲了4.3%。 其中,三星和蘋果仍然以23.%和15.4%的市場占有率霸占著智能手機出貨量排行榜的冠亞軍地位。但今年第一季度,這兩家公司出貨量的增幅都相對較弱。 而與此同時,來自中國的華為、Oppo和Vivo卻成了第一季度出貨量增幅最大的公司。IDC的分析師認為,這主要是相比于蘋果和三星的高端機,這些中國手機不僅價格更便宜,而且也受到了越來越多的消費者的追捧。 IDC的研究經理安東尼?斯卡塞拉在一篇文章中指出:“雖然市場上最受矚目和媒體宣傳最多的仍然是一些高端機型,但我們不斷看到很多廠商正在中低端機型上發力,而這些設備也有著可與高端機型相媲美的造型設計。” 目前,華為已經成為全球第三大智能手機供應商。今年第一季度,華為的智能手機出貨量達到3400萬部,比2016年第一季度上漲了22%。盡管華為手機在美國消費者中尚未流行開來,IDC仍然認為:“如果美國消費者想換掉手中的蘋果和三星手機,華為將是他們需要的一種選擇。” Oppo一季度的智能手機出貨量約為2500萬部,較上年同期增長近三成。IDC認為,這主要歸功于該公司新推出的“中端價位、主打照相功能”的R9s機型。Vivo的出貨量也較上年增長了24%,約為1800萬部。IDC認為,這與Vivo在印度和東南亞地區加大了營銷力度不無關系。 針對IDC的這項最新調查,巴克萊銀行本周四在一篇分析文章中指出,今年一季度的全球智能手機出貨量“還不錯”,但是“仍然沒有達到預期”。 令巴克萊銀行的分析師感到擔心的是,今年一季度的熱銷機型主要來自那些主打平價手機的品牌,而非來自三星和蘋果這種主打功能性的高端機型廠商。 巴克萊銀行表示,在三星Galaxy S8等最新高端機型的助推下,今年第二季度的智能手機出貨量可能還會有所提高。如果屆時出貨量沒有較大幅度的升高,投資者們“可能將擔心市場對‘最新和最好’的高端設備的需求將會弱化。” 巴克萊銀行的分析師寫道:“這對蘋果公司很可能將產生負面影響,因為蘋果今年晚些時候就將推出第十代iPhone。”(財富中文網) 譯者:樸成奎 |
Roughly 347 million smartphones were shipped worldwide in the first quarter of 2017, a 4.3% jump from the previous year, according to new research released Thursday by International Data Corporation. Although Samsung and Apple (aapl) remained the top shippers of smartphones, owning 23.8% and 15.4% of the market respectively, both companies saw relatively little growth in shipments for the first quarter. Instead, Chinese companies Huawei, Oppo, and Vivo saw the biggest year-over-year growth in smartphone shipments for the first quarter, which IDC analysts attributed to the growing popularity of their cheaper phones compared to high-end models sold by Apple and Samsung. "Despite all the popularity and media hype around premium devices, we continue to witness a shift in many companies' portfolios geared towards affordable devices with premium-type styling compared to flagship models,” said IDC research manager Anthony Scarsella in a statement. Huawei is the third largest smartphone supplier, having shipped around 34 million phones in the first quarter—a 22% bump from the first quarter of 2016. However, despite Huawei’s phones have yet to catch on with U.S. consumers, which IDC said “is something they will need if they aspire to displace the two market leaders.” Oppo shipped roughly 25 million phones in the first quarter, a nearly 30% year-over-year increase, which IDC attributed to the company’s “midrange, camera-focused” R9s model. Vivo’s shipments grew about 24% year-over-year to 18 million, helped by increased marketing in India and Southeast Asia, IDC said. In response to IDC’s new research, Barclays said Thursday in an analyst note that the smartphone shipments in the latest quarter were “decent,” but “not as a good as expected.” Barclays analysts seem concerned that most of the growth in shipments stems from companies selling cheaper phones instead of companies like Samsung and Apple that sell more feature-packed expensive models. Barclays said that newly released premium phones like the Samsung Galaxy S8 could lead to more smartphone shipments in the next quarter. If there is not a big increase in shipments, then investors “could be concerned that demand for ‘latest and greatest’ premium devices could be easing.” “This could have negative implications for Apple, which will release its tenth generation iPhone later this year,” the Barclays analysts wrote. |