最近有報道稱,美國佛羅里達州食品安全檢查員發現,總統特朗普位于該州棕櫚灘的私人會所“海湖莊園”今年違反多達13項食品衛生安全條例。 據《邁阿密先驅報》報道,雖然佛羅里達州的檢查人員認定會所衛生狀況達到最低標準,但今年違例的數字超過往年。特朗普曾告訴美國前總統里根的夫人南希,海湖莊園的設計目標是達到“南方白宮”標準。 經佛羅里達州衛生安全檢查,海湖莊園存在三大“重點”違例,導致賓客的餐盤上可能殘留有害的細菌。《邁阿密先驅報》稱,檢查員發現,在供應生魚或未全熟魚類菜肴時,海湖莊園并未采取適當的殺菌處理。會所只是告訴后廚的工作人員,魚類要立即烹飪,否則就得扔掉。 檢查員發現的另一項重大違例操作是,儲存生肉的冷藏箱溫度設得太高。海湖莊園工作人員表示,沒有收到保養冷藏箱的指令,也沒人要求立即清空并盡快修復。 過去坊間盛傳,特朗普會親自檢查海湖莊園的廚房。本周三,特朗普還盛贊過該會所的餐食,稱與中國國家主席習近平共進晚餐時,他一邊品嘗“全世界最精美的巧克力蛋糕”,一邊透露決定對敘利亞發動導彈襲擊。 海湖莊園的總經理拒絕就《邁阿密先驅報》的報道置評。13項衛生違例已經創下記錄,2016年該會所被查出11項違例,2015年只有兩項。(財富中文網) 本文原載于美國名人新聞網站People.com 譯者:Pessy 審稿:夏林 |
Florida restaurant inspectors found 13 violations this year at the kitchen of Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, according to a new report. Although state inspectors decided the kitchen at the resort—which Trump once told Nancy Reagan was designed to be the “southern White House”—met the minimum standards, they found more code violations than they had in previous years, the Miami Herald reports. Among the findings were three “high priority” violations, meaning they could potentially lead to the presence of harmful bacteria on plates served to dining room patrons. Inspectors found that fish designated to be served raw or undercooked had not gone through proper parasite destruction, The Herald reports. Staffers in the kitchen were told to cook the fish immediately, or throw it away. In another violation, inspectors discovered that some raw meats were stored in coolers that were too warm. Mar-a-Lago was cited for not maintaining the coolers and ordered to empty them and have them repaired immediately. In the past, Trump was known to personally check on the kitchen. On Wednesday, he was very complimentary of the club’s food, citing that he told Chinese President Xi Jinping about his decision to launch a missile strike on Syria over “the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen” during dinner there. Mar-a-Lago’s general manager did not comment to The Herald. The 13 violations sets a record for the club, which had 11 violations in 2016 and just two in 2015. This article originally appeared on People.com |