大量的就業機會,甚至不需要很高的學歷 LinkedIn發布了2017年最具前景的十大醫療工作榜單——而且,其中許多都不需要你成為醫生就能申請。 這家職業社交媒體公司分析了那些中值薪酬較高,不要求數十年經驗(或醫學學位),空缺較大,前景喜人,機遇較多的崗位。(也參考了美國最高薪職業榜單。) 在醫療行業,上榜的10個崗位的中值薪酬從6.16萬美元(如財務分析師,這個崗位在職業提升上也得到了10分滿分)到22萬美元(住院醫師)不等。 以下是完整榜單。 |
Plenty of opportunities, even without years of school. LinkedIn is out with a list of the 10 most promising health care jobs of 2017 — and, no, you don't have to be a doctor to apply to plenty of them. The professional social media firm analyzed career options that have high median rates of pay, don't necessarily require decades of experience (or a medical degree), have plenty of openings, are experiencing year-over-year growth, and offer opportuniy. (In part, this involved delving through the list of America's highest-paying jobs.) When it comes to health care, the 10 listed jobs had median salaries ranging from $61,600 (such as financial analyst, a position that also pulled off a perfect 10 score when it comes to career advancement) to $220,000 (hospitalist). Here's the full list: |
崗位 |
中位薪酬(美元) |
職位空缺 |
職業提升(滿分10分) |
要求技能 |
1. 藥房經理 |
13.7萬 |
700+ |
6 |
藥物治療管理、社區藥房、病人咨詢、藥房自動化、免疫接種 |
2. 項目經理 |
8.7萬 |
1,900+ |
8 |
項目管理、項目規劃、項目評估、合同管理、工程經濟學 |
3. 法規事務經理 |
11.5萬 |
100+ |
8 |
法律事務、監管提交、監管要求、制藥工業、標準作業程式 |
4. 住院醫師 |
22萬 |
2,000+ |
4 |
醫療管理、住院護理、電子病歷、病人安全、內科醫學 |
5. 財務分析師 |
6.16萬 |
500+ |
10 |
財務分析、財務申報、會計、微軟Excel、財務建模 |
6. 區域銷售主管 |
13.6萬 |
70+ |
8 |
銷售管理、解決方案銷售、銷售運營、賬戶管理、銷售 |
7. 藥劑師 |
12萬 |
2,900+ |
4 |
藥療照護管理、臨床藥學、病人咨詢、臨床藥理學、藥房自動化 |
8. 產品經理 |
9.8萬 |
200+ |
10 |
產品管理、產品營銷、產品開發、競爭分析、產品發布 |
9. 程序經理 |
8.5萬 |
700+ |
8 |
程序管理、項目管理、項目投資組合管理、軟件項目管理、項目交付 |
10. 區域運營主管 |
11.9萬 |
70+ |
6 |
醫療保健、團隊建設、家庭護理、醫療管理、養老服務 |
擁有最大職位缺口的崗位是藥劑師——根據LinkedIn的數據,這項職業的中位薪酬是12萬美元,但是它的晉升機會不太大。 LinkedIn給出的10個選擇中,有6個的職業提升分數達到了8分或以上。由于“平價醫療法案”(Affordable Care Act)等法律的合并,以及由此誕生的次級市場,醫療相關的崗位在過去十年中出現了驚人的增長。實際上,2016年該領域新增了超過40萬個崗位——是美國去年新增就業崗位220萬的五分之一以上。(財富中文網) 譯者:嚴匡正 |
The career opportunity with the most available openings is pharmacist — a job which carries a $120,000 median salary but doesn't present too many opportunities to advance, according to LinkedIn. Six out of the 10 options mentioned by LinkedIn carry a career advancement score of 8 out of 10 or higher. And health care-related job growth has been stunning over the past decade thanks to a combination of laws like the Affordable Care Act and the secondary markets that emerge from them. In fact, the sector created more than 400,000 jobs year-over-year in 2016 — more than a fifth of the 2.2 million jobs created last year. |