你或許從來沒聽說過電商平臺Wish的名字,然而這家悄然崛起的創業公司的估值已經達到了35億美元。近日據熟悉該公司情況的人透露,Wish又將在新一輪融資中吸入5億美元資金。 科技新聞網站Recode最先于昨晚報道了這則消息,并指出新加坡政府的官方投資機構淡馬錫(Temasek)公司也是此輪融資的投資方之一。不過據我的消息來源向我親口透露,淡馬錫對這筆交易似乎有些望而卻步的意思。 上周,數據公司CB Insights披露了美國特拉華州的一份備案文件,這份文件顯示,Wish已經批準了775萬股F輪優先股的銷售。(Wish的正式公司名稱是ContextLogic公司。)不過該文件并未披露與股價以及投資人有關的任何信息,只是注明投資者將享有優先清算權,這對投資者來說應該是個利好消息。 淡馬錫公司的一名代表拒絕對此事發表評論,Wish也未回應我們的采訪請求。 Wish是一個三年前成立的電商平臺,主要在線銷售一些極為廉價的商品,其商品大部分是中國制造的。該公司稱,今年Wish的毛銷售額將達到20億美元。迄今為止,Wish已經從8VC和創業者基金等投資人手里拿到了近6億美元融資。最近一輪的D輪融資是在2015年年中,Wish通過此輪融資獲得了俄羅斯風投機構DST Global的5億美元注資。 Wish的飛速增長和它激進的廣告策略不無關系。據科技新聞網站Recode稱,Wish光是每年投在Facebook上的廣告費用就高達1億美元。Wish上的商品打折打得非常厲害,不過該公司并未透露一名新用戶要在該公司的平臺上購物幾次才能保證公司不倒貼錢,也沒有透露該公司有多少新用戶成為了回頭客。 Wish的創始人彼得·舒爾澤斯基曾經預言道,他的公司有朝一日將成為一個年流水達上萬億美元的超級電商平臺。他還曾公開宣稱,少于100億美元,他堅決不會把公司賣出去。(財富中文網) 譯者:樸成奎 | Wish, the e-commerce startup valued at $3.5 billion, is raising $500 million in new funding at a flat valuation, according to sources familiar with the situation. Recode first reported the news last night, noting that Temasek, the investment arm of the Singapore government, is one of the investors. But according to sources I’ve spoken with, Temasek may be getting cold feet about the deal. Last week CB Insights unveiled a Delaware filing that showed Wish authorized the sale of 7.75 million new Series F preferred shares. (Wish’s formal company name is ContextLogic.) The filing revealed no pricing or investor information, except some investor-friendly liquidation preferences. A Temasek representative declined to comment. Wish did not respond to requests for a comment. Launched three years ago, Wish acts as an online marketplace for extremely cheap stuff, mostly made in China. The company has claimed it will hit $2 billion in gross merchandize volume this year. Wish has raised nearly $600 million in funding from investors including 8VC and Founders Fund. Its most recent fundraise was a $500 million Series D from DST Global in mid-2015. Wish’s growth has come in part via aggressive advertising. Wish spends $100 million a year on Facebook FB 0.83% ads, according to Recode. The marketplace’s goods are heavily discounted, and the company has not revealed how many repeat purchases it takes to break even on a new customer, or how many of its first-time customers return. Founder Peter Szulczewski has predicted his company will be a trillion-dollar-a-year marketplace, and has publicly stated he won’t sell his company for less than $10 billion. |