


Phil Wahba 2016-10-16





為了讓沃爾瑪實現這個目標,華爾街知名機構Cowen & Co制定出了一套方案。鑒于亞馬遜的Prime業務已經擁有4900萬家庭用戶,而且正以每年30%的速度增長,情況對沃爾瑪來說變得更加緊急。不過,42%的Prime用戶也在walmart.com上購物,也就是說,沃爾瑪仍是亞馬遜用戶的首要選擇之一。

1. 繼續加速為顧客提供便利:今年夏天,沃爾瑪在所有美國店鋪啟用了移動支付app,并改善了自助結賬業務

Cowen & Co分析師奧利弗·陳在本周一發表的研究報告中寫道:“基本原則是除了讓顧客省錢,還要省時間?!彼f的是沃爾瑪兄弟公司山姆會員商店推出的“Scan & Go”服務。有了這款app,會員就可以用手機掃描他們購買的商品,然后結賬離開,不需要和收銀員打交道。陳認為沃爾瑪需要采取更多類似措施。

2. 讓亞馬遜做不到的業務發揮更大的優勢,以便吸引線下客流,比如藥品(美國排名第四)、醫療保健和汽車服務。

3. 利用自己的店鋪。約九成美國人從家開車到沃爾瑪的時間都不超過15分鐘,這就形成了一個由數千家店鋪構成的網絡,可供在線下單客戶提貨,或者可以協助遞送在線訂購的商品。分布在100個市場的約600家沃爾瑪店鋪已經推出了在線訂單送貨上車服務,到年底這個數字將增至1000家。

4. 食雜、食雜、食雜:食品約占沃爾瑪美國銷售額的55%,其食雜業務規模遠遠超過其他食雜零售商。Cowen & Co估算,22%的亞馬遜Prime用戶在網上購買食品。但沃爾瑪可以大力反擊,原因是Cowen & Co認為“沃爾瑪的食品供應鏈和食品合規工作很優秀”,而且是老牌食雜零售企業。

5. 整合jet.com。借助這家網絡零售商及其特有技術,沃爾瑪就可以接觸到較年輕而且較富裕的城鎮顧客。這一點,再加上上述因素,將使沃爾瑪得以更快地改善在線商品定價,擴展商品種類并為顧客提供更多便利。




The discount retailer, which recently reported its eighth straight quarter of comparable sales growth in United States, handily beating rivals like Target and Macy’s . And Walmart even managed to show a re-acceleration in its e-commerce growth, the pace of which had slipped for nine straight quarters until last quarter, when they jumped 12%.

Yet despite that progress, Walmart remains very far behind arch-rival Amazon.com, with annual online sales of $14 billion, good enough to be #2 but only about one-sixth of its largest competitor’s.

Last week, Wal-Mart Stores CEO Doug McMillon told Wall Street analysts that e-commerce growth could rise back up to the 20% to 30% range thanks its many initiatives, which range from expanding the assortment available on walmart.com to having grocery pick up at hundreds more stores. And a few weeks ago, Walmart bought a small, nimble rival in jet.com.

“This company over time will look like an e-commerce company,” he said to analysts gathered last Thursday at Walmart’s headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas.

One prominent Wall Street firm, Cowen & Co laid out a plan for Walmart to reach that objective. That’s all the more pressing given that Amazon’s Prime service has 49 million household members and is growing 30% a year. Still, 42% of Prime customers also shop at Walmart.com, meaning Walmart is still very much top of mind for Amazon’s shoppers too.

1. Continue to accelerate customer convenience: the retailer rolled out its mobile payment app this summer across its U.S. store fleet and improved its self-checkout

“The underlying principle is having ‘time’ for customers in addition to money,” Cowen analyst Oliver Chen wrote in an a research paper published Monday. He pointed to sister retailer Sam’s Club’s “Scan & Go,” an app lets members scan items they buy on their phone and checkout without dealing with a cashier as an example of what Walmart needs more of.

2. Take fuller advantage of Walmart’s “un-Amazonable” services, like its pharmacy (the 4th largest in the U.S.), health clinics, auto service, etc. that draw people into stores.

3. Use the stores. Some 90% of Americans live within a 15-minute drive of a Walmart store, giving it a network of thousands of stores at which customers can pick up online orders, or which can facilitate the shipping of e-commerce orders. There are about 600 Walmart stores in 100 markets that offer curbside pickup for online orders, and that will rise to 1,000 by year-end.

4. Grocery, grocery, grocery: Walmart gets about 55% of its U.S. sales from food, making it by far the largest grocer. Cowen estimates that 22% of Prime members buy food online. But Walmart can fight back aggressively, because of what Cowen calls its “excellence in food supply chain and food compliance” and its well established position in grocery.

5. Integrate Jet.com: The online retailer and its specialized technology will allow Walmart to reach younger, urban and more affluent customers. That and the other items above will allow Walmart to speed up its online pricing improvements, expand its assortment and improve the customer convenience.

“Otherwise, we believe the company (Walmart) will continue to lose market share to Amazon,” Chen wrote.


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