
愛心熊、機器人格斗游戲Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots、費雪玩具公司旗下的小人玩具和變形金剛玩具等12款游戲將展開競爭,贏家可躋身2016年全國玩具名人堂。 全球最大玩具及游戲相關博物館、位于紐約州羅切斯特市的斯特朗博物館稱,今年的全國玩具名人堂榜單將于11月10日公布。 另一些進入終選的玩具有Nerf系列射擊玩具、Clue桌游、Uno卡牌、彈珠游戲、秋千、角色扮演游戲龍與地下城和填色書,傳統意義上并不屬于玩具的氣泡布也位列其中。 評判某款玩具能否加入玩具名人堂時,并不只考察流行了多少年。斯特朗博物館認為,主要判斷標準是該玩具有沒有影響玩具的設計方式或者人們玩游戲的方式,此外還要看這款玩具能否培養玩家學習或者創新的能力。 迄今為止,玩具名人堂里已有50多款玩具,包括銷售額逾10億美元的熱門玩具水槍品牌Super Soaker。其他著名成員包括搭建玩具Tinkertoy、美泰兒玩具公司旗下的芭比娃娃、大黃鴨、G.I. Joe特種部隊玩具,還有滾軸溜冰鞋。 以下是2016年美國全國玩具名人堂候選名單: 1、氣泡布 2、愛心熊 3、Clue桌游 4、填色書 5、角色扮演游戲龍與地下城 6、費雪公司小人玩具 7、Nerf系列射擊玩具 8、彈珠游戲 9、機器人格斗游戲Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots 10、秋千 11、變形金剛玩具 12、Uno卡牌 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 | Care Bears—along with Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots, Fisher-Price Little People, and Transformers—are among a dozen other finalists competing for the chance to be inducted into the 2016 National Toy Hall of Fame. Inductees will be announced on Nov. 10, according to The Strong, the world’s largest museum devoted to toys and materials related to play. The Strong is located in Rochester, N.Y. Others on the list were Nerf, the board game Clue, card game Uno, pinball, the swing, Dungeons & Dragons, and coloring books. Bubble wrap, a more unconventional toy, also made the list. In order to be eligible for Hall of Fame enshrinement, it’s just not the toy’s longevity that matters. Inductees must have also influenced the way toys are designed or played with, as well as fostering learning or creativity through play, according to The Strong. The hall has inducted over 50 toys to-date, including The Super Soaker, a popular water gun with more than $1 billion in sales. Other famous members of the Hall of Fame include Tinkertoys, Mattel’s MAT -1.03% Barbie, the Rubber Duck, G.I. Joe, and even Roller Skates. Here’s a full list of the 2016 candidates: 1. Bubble Wrap 2. Care Bears 3. Clue 4. Coloring Book 5. Dungeons & Dragons 6. Fisher Price Little People 7. Nerf 8. Pinball 9. Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots 10. Swing 11. Transformers 12. Uno |