在底特律,你賺的錢可能沒有舊金山多,但相較而言,你在汽車城獲得的薪酬要耐花得多。 這一信息出自求職網站Glassdoor發布的全美25大生活成本比率最好的城市——比率越高,人們能存下或者能消費的錢就越多。這些數據是Glassdoor通過將城市中位基本年薪和中位房價比較得出的。 無論是租房還是按揭,住房相關支出都是人們的主要花銷。Glassdoor發現,住房是普通美國人最大的負擔,約占年消費支出的三分之一。 以下是Glassdoor統計出的五大經濟實惠城市: 5、印第安納波利斯 中位基本年薪:5.6萬美元 中位住房價值:13.02萬美元 生活成本比率:43% 4、克里夫蘭 中位基本年薪:5.5萬美元 中位住房價值:12.55萬美元 生活成本比率:44% 3、匹茲堡 中位基本年薪:5.6896萬美元 中位住房價值:12.67萬美元 生活成本比率:45% 2、田納西州孟菲斯 中位基本年薪:5.2萬美元 中位住房價值:11.21萬美元 生活成本比率:46% 1、底特律 中位基本年薪:6.15萬美元 中位住房價值:12.31萬美元 生活成本比率:50% 毫無意外,以高房價聞名的大城市生活成本比率低得多。紐約市的中位年薪為7萬美元,中位住房價值高達38.41萬美元,生活成本比率為18%。波士頓的比率還更低些,只有17%。雖然舊金山的中位基本年薪有8.8萬美元,中位住房價值卻是紐約和波士頓的兩倍多,達到80.6萬美元,所以生活成本比率僅有11%。 Glassdoor在統計生活成本時也考慮到了其他因素。其首席經濟學家安德魯·張伯倫在新聞稿中說,“這份報告顯示,人們的居住地和收入多少有直接關系……相較于購房競爭更激烈的特大城市,在中等城市賺得的薪酬往往更加耐花。” 你可以查看Glassdoor發布的美國25個城市生活成本榜單,詳細了解哪些是最經濟實惠的城市。(財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
You might make less money in Detroit than you would in San Francisco, but your Motor City salary can take you a lot further. That’s according to Glassdoor’s new list of 25 U.S. cities with the best cost of living ratios—the higher the ratio, the more money people can save (or spend). Glassdoor came up with these ratios after comparing a city’s median base salary to its median home value. Housing payments, whether they go toward a lease or mortgage, tend to be where people put all their money. For average Americans, it’s their largest financial obligation, making up about a third of their annual spending, according to Glassdoor. Here are the top five cities where you get the best bang for your buck: 5. Indianapolis Median Base Salary: $56,000 Median Home Value: $130,200 Cost of Living Ratio: 43% 4. Cleveland Median Base Salary: $55,000 Median Home Value: $125,500 Cost of Living Ratio: 44% 3. Pittsburgh Median Base Salary: $56,896 Median Home Value: $126,700 Cost of Living Ratio: 45% 2. Memphis, Tenn. Median Base Salary: $52,000 Median Home Value: $112,100 Cost of Living Ratio: 46% 1. Detroit Median Base Salary: $61,500 Median Home Value: $123,100 Cost of Living Ratio: 50% Unsurprisingly, big cities known for high housing prices have much lower ratios. With a median base salary of $70,000 and a median home value of $384,100, New York’s ratio comes in at 18%. Boston, which has similar figures, has a slightly lower ratio of 17%. And despite the fact San Francisco’s median base salary is $88,000, its median home value is more than double that of New York and Boston at $806,000. This gives the city a low cost of living ratio of just 11%. While other data factors into total cost of living, Glassdoor chief economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain said in a press release that the “report shows that where you live and how much you earn are directly tied to one another … pay typically goes further in mid-sized cities versus big metropolitan areas where there is often tighter competition for housing.” You can check out Glassdoor’s full list of the 25 cities in the U.S. where pay goes the furthest. |