初創公司在發展的各個階段都需要資金,這已是共識。但創業者不能只看資金需求而忽視了真正應該面對的問題:如何才能更好地利用投資者的專業經驗和廣闊人脈,而不僅僅是獲得種子資金或者成長期資金? 我的同事、西北大學凱洛格商學院管理與組織學科的兼職講師馬克·艾克勒指出:“不該問應該何時游說投資者,而是要問什么時候建立關系最好?簡單來回答:立刻?!? 建立合作關系的第一步就是留下好印象,其實要做到這點比開口要錢技術含量高得多。留下好印象的第一步是靠譜,要提前做功課研究潛在投資者,了解他們的投資偏好。 應該了解你要接觸的投資人有什么特點,他們喜歡在企業哪個階段投資。正如我在凱洛格商學院另一位同事、創新與創業實踐副教授卡特·卡斯特指出:“不同階段都有資金介入,比如天使投資是為了啟動產品開發或者小規模測試;成長期融資是支持開發完整運行的產品,以及針對用戶測試市場接受度;A輪融資是要擴大初創團隊、更積極地推廣產品。”知道這些之后,你就不會在找天使投資時跑去聯系做專做A輪的投資人。 你還要知道投資人具備哪些專業經驗。一位通曉醫療保健領域的投資人可能并不適合指導汽車業初創公司。同樣地,如果投資人只對直接面向消費者銷售的公司感興趣,而你的產品只面向企業客戶,也是沒找對投資人。 要留下好印象的第二步是激發對方的興趣,要展示你對行業的理解,以及你的產品或者服務能滿足哪些現有的需求缺口。商業模式要深思熟慮,而且試驗過。即便目前還沒有用戶,也要告訴投資人你早就想好如何獲得用戶,計劃已就位,方法論已明確。 與投資者建立關系的真實回報無法用金錢來衡量——即使你最終獲得數以百萬美元的融資。實際上,倘若你的目的只是吸引對方投資,結局不外乎兩個,要么是投資人迅速回一句“謝謝,沒興趣”,要么會說“等你實現‘X’目標的時候再來告訴我?!? 其實最好的結果是,你能經常得到投資人引薦,接觸到少數可以在創業道路上真正提供幫助的貴人,而且投資人會承諾保持聯系,約好今后會面。那樣才意味著你與投資人和聯系可能延續多年(而且會得到數百萬美元的投資。) 請記住,你與投資者接觸不只是見個面,而是一段長期交往的開始。和其他人際關系一樣,假如第一次會面時氣氛融洽,雙方有化學反應,對方會期望再次見你。接下來,你與投資人就能慢慢建立有意義有成效的關系。(財富中文網) 譯者:Pessy 審校:夏林 |
It’s a given that startups need money at different stages in their development. But you can’t let your need for capital overshadow the real question you should be asking: How do I establish a relationship with the right investors to gain access not only to seed or growth capital, but also to their industry expertise and contacts? As my colleague Mark Achler, an adjunct lecturer of management and organizations at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, observes: “The question isn’t when is the best time to pitch, but rather when is the best time to begin a relationship? The easy answer is right now.” In establishing a relationship, you have to make a great first impression, which is far more holistic than asking for money. The first step is to appear credible by doing your homework about potential investors and knowing their preferences about the investments they make. Know who you are approaching and their desire to become involved at a particular stage of development. As another of my Kellogg colleagues, Carter Cast, a clinical associate professor of innovation and entrepreneurship, notes: “Capital comes at various stages: e.g., angel funding to begin product development or a pilot test; funding to develop a fully-functioning product and test market with customers; or series A funding to expand the startup team and more aggressively market the product.” With that understanding, if you’re looking for angel funding, don’t go to an investor who only does series A. Also know their industry expertise. An investor specializing in healthcare may not be the best one to approach about an automotive startup. The same goes for investors who are only interested in companies that sell to consumers if your product is strictly focused on selling only to other businesses. The second step in making a great first impression is to come across as compelling and interesting by showcasing your understanding of the industry and what unmet need or problem your product or service addresses. Present a well thought out and tested business model. Even if you don’t have customers as yet, show that you know how to acquire them, with a plan and a methodology. The real payoff in establishing an investor relationship is not measured in dollars—even if you eventually end up securing millions of dollars in funding. In fact, if your objective is only to pitch for money, you’re setting yourself up for either a quick “no, thanks” or a “come back and tell me when you have achieved ‘X.’” Rather, the best outcome is often the offer to introduce you to a few key people who can help you along the path and a promise to stay in touch with follow-up meetings. That could very well be the start of a meaningful relationship with an investor that spans several years (and yields millions of dollars of investment). Remember, your meeting is not a point in time; rather it is the starting point of a longer-term connection. Just as in any relationship, rapport and chemistry at the first meeting will inspire others to want to meet with you again. Then you’ll be on the right path to enjoying a truly meaningful and fruitful relationship. |