


Vikram Mansharamani 2016-06-13

美國國防部研究人員在上個月宣布了一項令人震驚的發現: 他們在一位到軍隊診所接受治療的賓夕法尼亞州女性體內,發現了一種耐抗生素大腸桿菌菌株。這是美國首次在人體內發現這種細菌。這種超級細菌具備粘菌素抵抗力,而粘菌素是臨床使用常規方案失敗后才會使用的一種抗生素。


好在據《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)報道,目前,這種超級細菌可以用其他抗生素治療,但“研究人員擔心,其抗粘菌素基因mcr-1,可能傳播給已經能夠躲避別的抗生素的其他細菌。”如果發生這種情況,我們可能失去任何可行的預防措施。



研究人員認為,此次發現的抗粘菌素大腸桿菌來自中國的禽畜養殖場。抗生素在中國被用于為豬增肥。至少一種美國農場動物也感染了這種細菌: 美國衛生及公共服務部(Department of Health and Human Services)最近在美國的豬大腸內發現了這種細菌菌株。

除了追求生產率,超級細菌的出現也揭露出另外一種更為廣泛的現象: 我們對安全的關注,可能正在讓我們變得越來越不安全。以富裕國家日益增加的過敏癥為例。許多研究人員認為,我們為了讓孩子保持清潔進而避免疾病,反而讓他們的免疫系統很難在早期接觸細菌,導致他們在成年以后,自身免疫系統無法發揮正常作用。在農場內長大的孩子,過敏比率遠遠低于經常使用殺菌香皂的孩子。



有一個行業將會迎來機遇——農業。2014 - 2015年,無抗生素肉類的銷量上漲了20%。提高消費者對超級細菌威脅的認識,必將加快這一趨勢,從餐廳和食品雜貨店到農場和牧場的整個食物價值鏈都將受到影響。





包括經濟學家吉姆?奧尼爾在內的許多人都認為,超級細菌問題與氣候變化問題同樣重要。超級細菌問題帶來的高風險,足以促使各國和國際社會以前所未有的規模行動起來。否則,我們可能重新過上20世紀抗生素改變世界之前的生活——“骯臟,野蠻,壽命縮短”。或者就像英國首相戴維?卡梅倫最近在G7大會上所說的那樣,“正如我們所知的現代醫學的末日。” (財富中文網)


Department of Defense researchers announced a shocking finding last month: they had identified an ominous, antibiotic-resistant strain of E. Coli in a Pennsylvania woman seeking medical treatment at a military clinic. This is the first time this bacteria has been positively identified in a human in America. The superbug is resistant to colistin, an antibiotic used only when alternatives have failed.

The announcement has prompted a host of statements highlighting the global significance of this finding. In an article published last week, scientists warned this “heralds the emergence of a truly pan-drug resistant bacteria.” As the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) put it, “It is the end of the road for antibiotics unless we act urgently.”

While the current superbug is thankfully treatable with other kinds of antibiotics, according to the Washington Post, “researchers worry that its colistin-resistance gene, known as mcr-1, could spread to other bacteria that can already evade other antibiotics.” In that case, we could be out of viable defenses.

Superbugs are already an enormous public health problem. According to Vox, “In the United States alone, antibiotic-resistant infections are now associated with 23,000 deaths and 2 million illnesses every year. By 2050, a report out of the UK suggested drug-resistant infections will kill more people than cancer.”

The current superbug, which researchers had previously seen in Asia and Europe, is a reminder of the unintended consequences of the modern quest for productivity. Aggressive use of antibiotics in the meat production industry to maximize yield has acceleratedthe development of superbugs. 80% of antibiotics in the US are used on livestock. North Carolina farm animals receive more of these drugs than all Americans combined.

Researchers believe that the colistin-resistant E. Coli originated in Chinese livestock farms, where the antibiotic is used to help fatten pigs. It has also infected at least one American farm animal: the Department of Health and Human Services recentlyspotted the same strain in a pig intestine in the US.

In addition to our quest for productivity, the development of superbugs also reveals another broader phenomenon: our widespread zeal for safety may be making us less safe. Take the rise of allergies in rich countries, for example. Many researchers believe that in scrambling to keep our children clean—and thus safe from disease—we have prevented their immune systems from gaining early exposure to germs, causing them to malfunction later in life. Kids who grow up on farms have lower rates of allergies, while those more often exposed to antibacterial soap have higher rates.

Likewise, over-prescription of antibiotics to treat human conditions is also contributing to the development of superbugs. Roughly a third of all antibiotics prescribed in doctors’ offices and hospitals are unnecessary—often the result of demanding patients or parents.

To counteract the increasing threat of superbugs, politicians and doctors agree, we must restrain abuse in both agriculture and medicine and also stimulate new drug development. Doing so will impact a number of sectors.

An obvious area of opportunity is in agriculture. Sales of antibiotic-free meats jumped 20% in 2014-2015. Heightened consumer awareness of the superbug threat will only accelerate this trend, affecting the entire food value chain from restaurants and grocery stores to farmers and ranchers.

In addition to consumer pressure, regulations will also drive a shift to antibiotic-free meats. Last October, California passed a strict law limiting the use of antibiotics in agriculture. Farms that can’t adapt to these shifting consumer preferences and restrictive regulations will suffer.

The superbug threat might also change the economics of drug development. Today, creating new antibiotics is not particularly lucrative for the pharmaceutical industry. As a result, there are only 37 antibiotics in clinical development, compared with over 800 cancer drugs or vaccines. Increased awareness of the need for new antibiotics could change this. In January, a coalition of major drug companies called for governments to offer incentives in this space.

The economic model for new antibiotics must not be based on volume, since that would incentivize drug companies to encourage the same over-prescription problem we face today. Instead, lump-sum prizes for successful drug development, valued in the billions of dollars, could spur investment in antibiotic research and development without the misaligned incentives. And indeed, governments have been considering just these measures.

The development of superbugs will certainly ripple through disparate industries, from food service to medicine and agriculture. Barring a solution, one estimate tallies the cumulative hit to the global economy from antibiotic-resistant bacteria could be as high as $100 trillion.

Some, including economist Jim O’Neill, suggest the problem is as significant as climate change. The stakes are high enough that the problem could drive national and international mobilization on an unprecedented scale. If not, we could experience life as it was before antibiotics revolutionized the world in the 20th century—“nasty, brutish, and short(er).” Or, as British Prime Minister David Cameron recently said at a G7 meeting, “the end of modern medicine as we know it.”


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