據《衛報》報道,2004-2013年擔任美國國防部高級調查員的約翰?克蘭在報告中指出,一位重要檢舉人曾向國防部監察長曝光政府十幾年前的不當行為,卻沒有得到妥善保護。報道發表后,斯諾登本可通過政府渠道來曝光國安局監聽項目的說法不攻自破。 克蘭稱,國安局前高官托馬斯?德雷克披露國安局不當行為及違法行為的時間比斯諾登早好幾年,但保護措施反而害他落入“陷阱”。隨后,德雷克只能跟國防部監察長合作。但據克蘭介紹,國安局將德雷克的身份透露給了刑事檢察官,還銷毀了本可為德雷克辯護的證據。高昂的訴訟費用讓德雷克徹底破產,盡管更嚴厲指控于2011年撤銷。 2013年,斯諾登將國安局數據透露給了《衛報》。另外幾家媒體隨后也得到了相關文件。此舉招致大量批評。總統巴拉克?奧巴馬表示,泄密事件導致對美國懷有敵意的人現在也能接觸到敏感信息。國安局監察長喬治?埃拉德2014年曾說:“斯諾登原本可以找我舉報的。” 據政治資訊網站Politico報道,埃拉德曾說:“我們處理矛盾一向效果非常好。” 回應克蘭的報告時,斯諾登呼吁為政府內部檢舉人提供更有力的保護。 斯諾登對《衛報》表示:“要為檢舉人提供鋼鐵一般有力又方便執行的保護措施,而且要公開成功案例。務必保護向國會監督機構檢舉揭發的人,如果他們的努力推動了政策改善,就應該大方承認。如今勇敢的人奮起反對有悖法律的政府部門,卻得不到任何鼓勵,必須改變這種現狀。”(財富中文網) 譯者:Charlie 審校:夏林 |
According to reports from John Crane, a senior Pentagon investigator from 2004 to 2013, a prominent whistleblower who went to the inspector general hoping to expose wrongdoing within the government more than a decade ago was inadequately protected, the Guardian reported. The report undermined arguments that Snowden could’ve gone through government channels to expose the NSA’s surveillance program. Crane alleged that the protections set up for whistleblowers became a “trap” for Thomas Drake, a former senior NSA executive who disclosed wrongdoing and allegedly illegal activity in the office years before Snowden. Drake then began working with the Pentagon’s inspector general, but according to Crane, the office leaked Drake’s name to criminal prosecutors, and also destroyed evidence that would’ve acted as defense for Drake. Drake became financially ruined because of the legal fees, though the more serious accusations against him dropped in 2011. Snowden leaked data from the NSA in 2013 to the Guardian, before several other media outlets also got hold of the documents. The move was heavily criticized, with President Barack Obama noting that sensitive information could now also be accessed by enemies to the U.S., while the NSA’s Inspector General, George Ellard, said “Snowden could have come to me,” in 2014. “We have surprising success in resolving the complaints that are brought to us,” Ellard said, according to Politico. In response to Crane’s account, Snowden called for stronger protections for whistleblowers within the government. “We need iron-clad, enforceable protections for whistleblowers, and we need a public record of success stories,” Snowden told the Guardian. “Protect the people who go to members of Congress with oversight roles, and if their efforts lead to a positive change in policy – recognize them for their efforts. There are no incentives for people to stand up against an agency on the wrong side of the law today, and that’s got to change.” |