“透視領導力”是一個在線社區,最有思想、最具影響力的商界人士將在此回答關于職業與領導力的問題。今天,我們的問題是:“你如何鼓勵組織內部的創造性思維?”以下為雅培高級副總裁兼CMO伊萊恩?萊文沃思的回答。 從嚴格意義上來說,每一家公司都是創造激情的結果,公司只有通過持續的想象力和發明才能發展。但要讓創造性火花持續綻放,卻并不容易。我們的公司雅培已經有128年的歷史。在過去的一個世紀里,這些做法一直在激發我們的創造力: 有遠大的夢想 激發員工樹立重要的目標。保證每個人的工作都是重要的,高貴的,可以賦予每一名員工使命感,改變人們對待工作的態度。 真實 沒有人想要帶著面具做事,或者遵守約束性的準則。創造一種透明的環境,尊重你的同事。只要你能允許每個人做自己,可以自然而然地釋放他們的創造力,他們會給你帶來最大的回報——這將給所有人帶來好處。 拓寬視野 建立跨學科的全球團隊。風格和視角的多元化,可以幫助催生新的思維。 讓工作變得有趣 笑聲可以讓人心情放松,帶來創造性思維。當你享受與某個人一起放聲歡笑時,你便更有可能做真實的自己,與對方分享你的想法。例如,我們曾邀請傳奇喜劇團“第二城”,來幫助我們用不同的方式思考和做事。 走出辦公室 離開永遠一成不變的會議室,這一點很重要。如果無法經常這樣做,可以選擇在你需要團隊有最佳狀態時,帶領大家走出去。對一個新環境進行實地考察,可以幫助人們建立新的聯系,啟迪新的想法。 站起來,走一走 站起來,四處走走,與同事聊聊天。任何類型的談話,比如同事昨晚上看過的電視劇,或者你的周末計劃等,都可能產生你一直在尋找的靈感。 閱讀,分享 涉獵內容廣泛。如饑似渴地吸收新知。傳播你遇到的好想法。 放棄“局限于內部的”思維 與團隊之外的人交流和合作——你將有大量的選擇。從客戶到同行甚至競爭對手,借助他山之石,有助于培養廣闊的世界觀。(財富中文網) 譯者:劉進龍/汪皓 審校:任文科 |
Leadership Insider is an online community where the biggest names in business and beyond answer timely career and leadership questions. Today’s answer for: How do you encourage creative thinking within your organization? is written by Elaine Leavenworth, SVP and CMO at Abbott. Every company is, by definition, the result of a creative impulse and grows only through ongoing imagination and invention. Yet keeping that creative spark burning is a challenge. Our company, Abbott, is in its 128th year. Here are some practices that have helped spur our creativity over the past century: Dream big Inspire employees with goals that matter. Ensuring that people’s work is important and noble will give a sense of mission and can transform the way people approach their jobs. Be real People don’t want to have to behave artificially or conform to constricting norms. Create a transparent environment and treat your colleagues with respect. If you give everyone permission to be themselves their creativity will naturally be released and you’ll get their best work – a mutual benefit for all involved. Broaden the view Build multi-disciplinary, global teams. The diversity of styles and perspectives can help generate new thinking. Make it fun Laughter loosens people up and can generate creative thinking. When you’re comfortable laughing with someone, you’re more likely to be yourself and share ideas. For instance, we’ve brought in the legendary comedy troupe “The Second City” to help us think and behave differently together. Get out of the office It’s important to leave the same old meeting room. If it’s not practical to do this frequently, save it for when you really need the best from your team. A field trip to a new environment can help people make new connections and inspire ideas. Get out of the chair Get up, walk around, and talk with colleagues. Any range of conversations – from what your colleague watched on TV last night to your weekend plans – could provide the inspiration you’re looking for. Read and share Read broadly. Soak up all you can. And spread the good ideas you come across. Stop “inside-only” thinking Talk and work with people — lots of people — outside your team. From specific customers to peers and competitors, be sure to cultivate a wide worldview. |