Joe Gebbia 喬?吉比亞 年齡:33 公司:Airbnb 個人凈資產估值:30億美元 Airbnb的首席產品官喬?吉比亞總是西裝革履,一派紳士形象。他和另一位Airbnb的創始人布萊恩?切斯基是全球頂尖設計院校羅德島設計學院的同班同學。在參與成立Airbnb以前,他還開過三家公司。除了熱衷創業,他還是一位活躍的發明家,曾設計出形狀特別適合人體坐姿的便攜式CritBuns坐墊,并取得了專利權。他還合資建過兩家專攻平面設計的網站,不過它們現在都已經關張。 吉比亞今年幫助Airbnb進一步開拓了商旅業務,首次涉足古巴與非洲市場。對他個人而言,他一直醉心于上世紀中期的現代建筑,他曾表示,自己的“終極夢想”就是要在加州太平洋帕利薩德市的二戰后建筑代表作品——“埃姆斯住宅”里住上一晚。很難說他這個夢想能否成真,畢竟前提是那里能接受住宿預定。 |
Joe Gebbia Age: 33 Company: Airbnb Estimated net worth: $3 billion Joe Gebbia, Airbnb’s bowtie-wearing co-founder and chief product officer, founded three businesses before launching Airbnb with his former Rhode Island School of Design classmate Brian Chesky. An avid inventor, he designed and patented a buttox-shaped portable seat cushion called CritBuns. He also founded two now-defunct graphic design-focused web ventures. The avid mid-century modern architecture fan helped drive Airbnb deeper into the business travel market this year, expanding to new markets in Cuba and Africa. He says his “ultimate dream” is to book at night at the Eames Case Study House No. 8 in Pacific Palisades, Calif. We have a sinking suspicion he could afford to, that is if it were an option. |