有時候上帝真是不公平,有的人擅長斂財,賺取數億身家,有的人生來貴氣,家世富可敵國。世界上大部分年輕的富豪都屬于后者,這些新生代富豪兼具青春、智慧和財傾天下的資產。 在這些年輕富豪者中,馬克?埃利奧特?扎克伯格算是另類。別看這個31歲的年輕人不修邊幅,愛穿連帽衫,卻擁有驚人的編程天賦,憑借徹底改變人類溝通方式、改變游戲規則的社交媒體脫穎而出,無可爭議地成為白手起家的億萬富豪。這樣的青年才俊百年難得,是真正的人中龍鳳。 身為Facebook的聯合創始人兼首席執行官,扎克伯格今年8月再度奪得新加坡財富咨詢公司Wealth-X推出的全球35歲以下年輕富豪年度排行榜桂冠。當年與他共同創立Facebook的兩位拍檔今年也榜上有名,其中一位為了在Facebook全職工作而選擇從哈佛輟學,又是一位因創業而中止學業的技術天才。 Facebook的創始人共有五位,其中三位今年入圍年輕富豪榜。但Facebook不是唯一書寫創始人暴富神話的科技企業。房屋短租網Airbnb的三位創始人——現年33歲的布萊恩?切斯基、32歲內森?布萊查克杰克和33歲的喬?吉比亞今年也攜手上榜。最年輕的超級富豪當屬推出大熱照片分享應用的Snapchat首席執行官兼聯合創始人艾文?斯皮格爾。他年方25歲,估算個人財富已高達19億美元,稱得上貨真價實的“鉆石王老五”。 下面就讓我們來看一看Wealth-X公布的十大年輕富豪,了解一下他們令人艷羨的人生經歷。 |
Life isn’t fair. Some earn their billions; others are born into them. Most of the world’s youngest billionaires fall in the latter category, but not Mark Elliot Zuckerberg. The 31-year-old hoodie clad programming prodigy is without a doubt a standout self-made billionaire, striking it beyond rich with a social media game-changer that forever transformed how humans communicate—one billion of us and counting. The Facebook co-founder and CEO once again claims the top spot on Singapore-based consultancy Wealth-X’s annual list of the wealthiest individuals younger than 35, released in August. Two of his co-founders—one of whom joined the cocksure techie in dropping out of Harvard to work on Facebook full time—also made the list. Three of Facebook’s original five founders aren’t the only power tech trio on the roundup. Airbnb’s founding trio—Brian Chesky, 33, Nathan Blecharczyk, 32, and Joe Gebbia, 33—also grace the mindbogglingly wealthy who’s who. The youngest mogul to make the list is Snapchat co-founder and CEO Evan Spiegel, only a tender 25 and sitting on a colossal fortune of an estimated $1.9 billion. Must be nice. For a look at Wealth-X’s top 10 young billionaires, check out the envy-inducing roundup below. |